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All - I plan on some major works on the boardroom over easter. This will mean that for relatively long periods the boards will be down. I'll try and keep distuption to a minimum and there will be an alternative bus service in its place.

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Phew! At least its not a weekday when we should be working! :d


As Ade says, this will be a MAJOR upgrade to the forums and there will be outages and almost certainly issues afterwards that will require bug ironing. It's a big job and Ade's doing it unpaid over the Easter holiday weekend. Please be patient while this is happening, and be prepared to work in a different environment afterwards.

One change the first time you log in on the new forums will be that you MAY need to use your registered email address to get in if your forum account user name is different from your forum display name. For example, my display name of Scott Young - WSCC Chairman is not the same as my forum account user name I use to log in, which is much shorter. However, you'll only need to do this once if you select the Remember Me option in sign in.

Sorry to leave you to the mercies for your families and putting you through cold turkey, but it needs to be done and is overdue. Thanks!

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Thanks for all your hard work on this Adrian





Oh God noooooo.

Bottom lip starts to quiver!

Seriously though, this is fantastic news, it's been a huge undertaking for Ade, many, many thanks to him for doing this.


Echo Dave's thanks.

Assume this is why only mobile site working, as full site on laptop gives a server not available error.

Er, no... Hasn't started yet, it's Easter weekend. Full site working as normal.


Er, no... Hasn't started yet, it's Easter weekend. Full site working as normal.

I thought the chicken had laid early!!! As it was off earlier this evening


Odd...I've been doing admin stuff all night at my end without outages...behold the power of the dark side...


Odd...I've been doing admin stuff all night at my end without outages...behold the power of the dark side...

Ah the force be with you Lord Vader


Have been in the position that Adrian is in, so feel his pain :yes:

Are we going to use new forum software (vBulletin/other), or just new modules within the IP Board architecture?


Have been in the position that Adrian is in, so feel his pain :yes:Are we going to use new forum software (vBulletin/other), or just new modules within the IP Board architecture?

That would be telling and would spoil the surprise.


I thought the chicken had laid early!!! As it was off earlier this evening

Me too, Hmmm. Been no access since early afternoon for me on laptop, tried chrome and explorer (Win 10) but android phone still fine.


Funny but I get access on iPad but not on iPhone, very odd!

iPhone comes up with some warning about domain name needing renewed, which is also very odd.


That error has been sporadic for me today.


Good luck with the upgrade. Will be interesting to speak to the family again...

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