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Which is typically the worst driven marque

John K

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No Kia or Dacia is bought by a person who has any interest in cars.... It's a car, it has a warentee, its cheep .... Buy it..

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Interesting and varied opinions..... I cover about 30ish K per year just going to and from work once a week, so not a typical daily commute, I can't say that there's any one brand that deserves a slap..... unless of course it's the plastic plod in those cheap 4X4's that will close a lane or even an entire road for the most trivial of reasons.... so my vote goes to the Mitsubishi / SangYong / Any Cheap 4X4  thats got shiny livery on it.....



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After yesterdays experience where I ended up in a hedge on the Toddington road...


Any 7.5 ton horse box being driven by an 18 year old Annabel / Harriet / Claudia (interchangeable) 


Who will refuse to drive a Ford Ka because its too big and scary, but on getting 3/4's of a ton of 'hoss' bought for them by their London City Banker dad (to try to stop them going out with Kevin at the local Kiwk Fit)


Will then happily drive a lorry down a country lane with the vim and vigor of Ari Vatanen on a 1,000 Lakes Special Stage

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Where is this horse box driver? I must shake her hand for they're usually driven like they've got horses in them. In fact I reckon they only let the men drive them when they're empty and if precious cargo is on board, woman drives, carefully.

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Yeah, lots of horse boxes round this neck of the woods, both towed and the seven and a half ton variety. As Dommo said, usually driven/towed as if carrying the family China. But then having seen a bad, and I mean bad, horse box accident. That's exactly how I'd drive a loaded one, too!

I seem to see a lot of Merc A classes, (the current face lifted version and it's immediate predecessor), usually with a basic ish engine package but full AMG body kit being driven by people acting like absolute spanners. (Boy/girl racers, but without much clue).

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Interesting thing about horse boxes when they are full of would be glue, if you drive too hard they kick the living 5h1T out of the very expensive trailer or box. They also have a huge effect on the way the outfit handles if they get upset. A couple of 3/4 tonne independent weights shifting around in the back can be very interesting particularly under heavy braking. I would personally ban horse ownership and transport as I might then get a lie in sometimes but that's just my opinion  :d


PS don't tell my wife...

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My car share buddies 2015 focus-he was beaten away from the lights by some old dear with a blue rinse in a Honda Prelude-Lol, she wasted him, she really went for it!

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I would have to say that since used golf gti became more affordable that they are the ones always up my chuff or roaring round in the 30mph limit. They seem to find my octavia somewhat insulting. If it's not them then it's Astra coupe. Seems to be 100's of those on the road now. All containing idiots.

I have a great app on my phone where you enter the reg number and it returns the model and spec of the car. Golf gti, lowered, blacked Windows, huge wheels. Err no. It's a 1.4 'match' with a thumping 75bhp. Hence the only place they can break the speed limit and look cool is in town.

I'd put snipers on the roves to take them out.

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Anything with a 'Dales driver' in it. That can range from the afore mentioned Peugeot 106 to anything from a 7 series BMW and a horse box, which we have a lot of around here. They are easily distinguished by their rush to get out in front of you from any side road junction, regardless of how quickly you are approaching or how close you are, only to sit at 40 MPH for the next 7 miles of road with no overtakes on it. 40 is their default setting. They do it on any road with a National speed limit, and any road with a 30 limit so it's any road really. They do it because that's what their series one land rover used to do and so did their Volvo 145. And they see no need to change it.

So, if you're driving in the Dales and you can see the driver in front is wearing a flat cap, you've found one. If you can't actually see the driver, that's worse, you've found his wife. They don't like to waste money these Yorkshire tykes, so optional extras such as indicators don't get a look in, and the parking space is wherever they say it is.

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Sounds like night driving in India; many don't like to wear out those expensive bulbs by turning lights on if they don't have to! :o

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Well, I have 2 Audis with tissue boxes on the rear shelf and usually some sort of hat as well there, also drive a white Vivaro during the day.


Didn't realise I was such a  stereotype.   Does the Westfield undo all this?

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