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Sigh - Why is image handling so hard...

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Sorry but my one and only complaint about the forum is a technology one.


The handling of images is really, really bad...


I thought I was doing the sensible thing buy posting my pics in the cloud to reduce the load on your servers, only to find out that the website "doesn't support that type of link"


So then I try to put them in The Gallery, only to find its full.


Then takes me 10 minutes and I have to re-read a thread how to delete three times before I can clear the room to post.


Part of the fun of a forum is sharing pictures and we do make it quite convoluted.


There are so many cloud based picture sharing sites now, can we investigate if its possible to enable direct linking.


And surely the incentive to the comittee would be reduced storage needs and you would think reduced hosting fees...


Apologies for the moan...

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Bg changes are being worked on, but our esteemed web master does have a young family and a busy work life to look after too.

The current in-built photo system isn't great, in my own opinion, I agree. But any of the big traditional photo handling services like Photobucket or Picassa are usually a piece of cake to use with the Boardroom - once you get your head round the format. But then as jpg is such a common format that most cameras can record in it if required, I can understand why the Boardroom's system favours it.

I do agree though, a much more straightforward method of adding pictures would be so beneficial. Something along the Facebook lines would be so much more straightforward for so many...

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... but our esteemed web master does have a young family and a busy work life to look after too...



Wot....! More important than US...?


But we are his family now... The others don't matter any more...


I did feel a git for moaning. I work for a software house so know what it's like to knock your pan out on a release for 18 months and to have a client go, "I don't like that shade of Orange" and totally ignore all the voodoo you've managed to achieve elsewhere.


Any thing, whenever it comes will be fine and hugely appreciated...


As long as it's better, cheaper and delivered 3 weeks before it was asked for...

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So, so true!

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I can't read Dilbert anymore... The pain of screaming "That's my life that is..!" is too much.

I have so many stories, always remember one of the many insane situations.

Sat in a meeting in China (as a member of the engineering systems team) listening to the Chinese client describe their requirements which were basically "we want this electronic document management system on one server to trigger progress in the planning system on anther server"

"Oh that's easy" says our Engineering Director, "that's EXACTLY how we run it in our office"

"Make is so" say our Chinese clients

On the way out of the office I whisper to **** (to save his reputation) "You know how we integrate those two applications in the London office?"

"Yes" says ****

"The one where both OUR servers are on the same LAN in the same Data Centre..."

"Yes" he says

"Did you not notice that our client is using one of OUR servers in OUR London engineering office and the other server is THEIR server in THEIR Beijing HQ - you know sort of behind the Great Firewall of China..?" I hiss at him

"You know your problem John, you always get bogged down in the details" was his answer

We didn't sit together on the plane going home...

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Been there, done that. 


I remember the "You've sold what !!!", trouble is it seems in the technology market salesmen sell the stuff but don't have to deliver it and it's made worse by getting commission on the revenue from the sale taking no account of the cost of delivery.

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