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log books

pete g

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what are peple doing regarding log books


waiting for first event  or sorting before hand


I have emailed a couple of officials out the blue book to sort mine but one said he don't do them and the other never replied


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You need a log book before you arrive at an event for scrutineering

The is usually a list of people who will do them in your local area. The MSA may keep a list?

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so I need to phone them

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I think you can get a scrutineer to do it on the day but you would probably need to organise this in advance and also take the correct photos with you and £25

Probably easier and more relaxed to do it on a separate day using a local scrut if you can find one. Thats what I did with my busa 

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Might be worth contacting the chief scrutineer for the first event you're doing and check if they can do you a log book sometime during the day and scrutineer your car accordingly, based on the knowledge that while you're not compliant during scrutineering you will be later in the day. I did this at Aintree a couple of years ago with Chris Mansley.

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would rather get done before as first event is Rockingham and last year it was a little busy .plus with all the new rules and helmet sticker for new helmet etc

msa going to be earning a few quid this year on loggy books

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Mike Madden did mine on the day, by prior arrangement at a B19 event, it took him ~ 5 mins. He even took the pic as I'd taken one from the wrong side   :rolleyes:


Iirc it was £35 and came through in a few days but it was near the season's end. If you have the V5 it'll probably make the process simpler for the scrute.

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just looked him up and he is not local

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Hi Pete

You need to do it before the event as the log book needs to be approved by the MSA before becomes valid

Myself and Marto have got ours already.

It is straight forward to obtain.

You need a picture of the car (postcard size) to clearly identify the car.

You need to find a local Scrut who will come to you or you go to him to fill out the log book and review the car.

There is a list of Sruts in the back pages of the Blue Book!

The cost of the Log Book is £40-00

I hope this clarifies the process?

Good Luck


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Log book is presumably needed if you don't want to tax / MOT / insure an otherwise road legal car?

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but the ones in the book local don't seem to do it or reply at the moment

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Correct if you are running in non road going classes


You can also run in non road without a log book if you can present all the road legal documents, Tax, Insurance, MOT and V5 



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I guess you might have to widen the net

We have a very helpful one in MK but I don't know if he gets down your way or not!

Can ask if you would like?


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Pete, See if Lloyd Gerken is still about on the blue book lists - he can do your logbook. He's over in Letchworth not a million miles away from you. His house is worth a visit because it is a shrine to Ari Vatanen. His eyes lit up when both myself and Matt turned up at his house in our Escorts for him to get the logbooks done, made his day. He likes anything Ford related. :t-up:  ;)

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I have emailed a few more from the blue book and see if they reply . then will have to go further a field I quess

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