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Travel Advice - South Africa

John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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As some of you might know from facebook, me and Mrs Panda were hijacked by fake coppers in South Africa....


its a long story but apparently... the police said if you are signalled to stop by a police car marked or unmarked you can drive to the nearest police station and stop there.


we were very lucky the kids weren't with us and they only took money and jewellery....  in  the papers a day later they stopped a car leaving from the OR Tambo (joburg) airport with AK47's, and apparently its on the rise.


the rest of the holiday was fine and we loved it and we will go back.... now just waiting for the speeding tickets to follow as I wasn't stopping for any b******* after that!






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Saw this on facebook.  glad you are here to tell the story.



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Glad you are OK but I would pick my holiday destinations more carefully based on this

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would go back, as it was a wonderful place and with 23 rand to the £ it was brillant...



but what we do naturally over here is not the norm there...

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Good to hear you weren't hurt.  Pal of mine lives in Joburg and some of the stories he tells me are horrendous!  I've had some good times there but been lucky, I guess.  My mate wants to get out and go to Oz.

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I think Joburg is the worst area by far. Capetown and the garden route are fantastic and I have never had any trouble but we don't take jewellery or go watches etc 

Its a great country

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As Terry says, go to any third world country but don't take fancy watches, jewellery or designer clothes, even designer sunglasses.   You're already a target being a white European, the extra jewellery and wealth displayed make it an even bigger risk.    I find the riskiest places are anywhere in Africa, Asia and South America but still some risk attached if you go to East Europe.


To 3/4 of the worlds population, you are RICH!   Remember that.

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About 10 years ago a big friend of mine got mugged whilst in his car driving into city square Leeds. At a pedestrian crossing 2 guys pulled open his door , whacked him and stole his watch and wallet whilst the traffic and public stood by and watched. It was about 2pm on a sunny afternoon!!!!

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 but still some risk attached if you go to East Europe.


Last year, memsahib and I had scammers approach us in the street in Budapest pretending to be the police.  Fortunately I had read about this scam beforehand so knew what it was.  Told them loudly to 'go away' and thankfully they did.  Doesn't make you want to return, though 

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Hi Panda, glad you lived to drive another day..!


When I used to work in Azerbaijan (15 years back), the local cops (ahem) used to pay the 'mayor' for their jobs and then made their money by keeping the bogus fines they extracted from the over paid and invariably drunk expat Oil workers.


Top Tip, only ever carry a photo copy of your passport, carry an old wallet stuffed full of expired notes (like Lira) and loads of hotel / shop loyalty cards cos they look like credit cards. So when a cop (ahem) shoves a gun in your face, you give them a bogus wallet bulging full of crap. And he goes away happy...

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Other trick I heard was when waiting for a driver at the airport and they have the board saying "mr panda" the scumbags get a iPad or piece of paper and also write "mr panda" and then stand right by the opening as you come from arrivals and you see them first... you and you go off happily with the dodgy boilers

Then they drive away, as you think your with the correct driver but then make a turn to a secluded part.... And then ask for all your bamboo

That's not cricket!

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That's not cricket!

Talking of cricket, some of the Test Match Special team (Aggers and Michael Vaughan I think) got pulled over by police in South Africa and had to hand over some dosh. They suggested it was a real (albeit bent) copper.

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"And then ask for all your bamboo"


Why do I find that hysterically funny..?

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