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Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

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Only two weeks to go.

This will be a great chance to meet your surrounding friends and to put names to faces.

Great food, great people and beautiful roads.

Not sure why there is so little interest.

Thought or comments welcome.

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Cars still in a million bits, not sure if itll be running. Its going back together but theres a lot still to do... Fingers crossed

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Prior volunteering commitment :(

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Thanks for the replies men.

It is appreciated.


Come in your tintop. You will be made more than welcome.

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Just over a week to go.


The long range super duper forecast is saying it will be the very best day of the year.


Not to late to change your plans and come for dinner and a ride out.

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Did you say your going Kingster? or anyone else from the NE contingent.

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Haha now now Geoffrey I'm going anyway!

Will try and get a few more along though I won't have mine fully remapped until Monday 18th, so not sure what I'll be driving. Depends if I can get the current map close enough to do no damage!

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Here is a proposed route and meeting place from those south of Rosedale.




Do you want to meet at Driffield at 9.30am and then we can travel over to Stamford Bridge to meet Robin etc at 10.00am before travelling up to Rosedale.


No problem if you want to go direct to Stamford Bridge.




Would you and your team like to meet in the carpark of the Three Cups Pub at 10.00am.


It is the first pub on the left just as you enter the village from the A64.


Here is the postcode. YO41 1AX


We can then head across to Castle Howard and over to Rosedale for dinner..



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Stamford Bridge, 10:00 it is.

Not sure who else is coming from this side. Anyone?

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Here's my proposed Northerners route




Will be leaving Coast Road area around 10-10.15 ish and can pick up people on the way.


If the weather is good we can maybe leave a tad earlier and miss out some of the A19 by going via Houghton/Shotton/Wingate perhaps.


Terry, if you are going, maybe you can share some local knowledge of the best route once we get down Stockton area?

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Will let ya know, Stokesley kildale Castleton best route if i dont make it

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