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Junk & Clutter, free to a loving home...


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Well I'm off on a little holiday next week, I shall get home late Thursday night and will have to more or less go straight to bed, so there will be no time to pack.....


Which leads me on to mention that I'm trying to get stuff packed tonight..... I'm looking for the strange little battery charger for my Dive Torch Batteries...... To say that it's really steaming my clams wouldn't do my frame of mind justice..... I've got the UK and the continental power leads, and I've got the batteries..... BUT I can't find the charger..... It's somewhere among all the clutter and junk that I've amassed over the years.....   


When I get back from my trip I will no doubt find the old battery charger and keep it safe with the new one that I'm going to buy this week....... but I shall create some space.... anyone got any obscure requests for bit's of old computers? CB & amateur radio gear, power leads and transformers of all descriptions and all manner of old computer games...... put your requests in before it all goes to the tip......



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Well its funny you should say that.


I have been looking at these for my Scotland trip.




I used to do a lot of side banding and was quite heavily into the radios and I still have a few bits and often collect bits and bobs to play with now and again.


The amateur radio equipment would go to a pal of mine who is into it in a big way so it would be re-cycled.


He is not having the best of times so I thought it might help him to take his mind of things....so to speak.

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Well its funny you should say that.


I have been looking at these for my Scotland trip.




I used to do a lot of side banding and was quite heavily into the radios and I still have a few bits and often collect bits and bobs to play with now and again.


The amateur radio equipment would go to a pal of mine who is into it in a big way so it would be re-cycled.


He is not having the best of times so I thought it might help him to take his mind of things....so to speak.

That kit looks quite good, I bought two helmet transmitters last year, but they are not only a PITA to set up but my daughters lid (its the wife's really) does not have a removable lining so makes it harder to fit. Walkie talkies would make more sense with the throat mic's. I may have to dabble.......... They would be class for the trip to Stoneleigh and general runs out too!

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Hi Andy.


There is an upgrade set to the throat mics. What I like about them is the fact that the microphones are behind the neck, so I thought it would stop all the wind noise.

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The added bonus with these for me is that I can also utilise the radios for work instead of relying on mobiles when my guys are working in different parts of a building/area. Ive just read a couple of reviews on Amazon and theres mixed feelings about the tightness of the throat mic's but Im sure its each to their own.

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I also read the reviews and I have a fat neck like a tree.


I would look like frankenstein with bolts sticking out the side of my neck.

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