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This happened while Beth was at work. I don't know what kind of scum bag vandalises cars outside a hospital. 


Should hopefully be able to get it off at the weekend. 









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Just a thought Russ, but is it possible local residents have the hump over hospital staff parking in the street ?

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Just a thought Russ, but is it possible local residents have the hump over hospital staff parking in the street ?


I did a job at Brighton Hospital many years ago. Parked cars filled all the surrounding, residential roads, it was a nightmare finding somewhere.


During the long walk back to where I'd parked I noticed a number of broken door windows of cars that had been parked thoughtlessly, obstructing the foot paths, verges etc.


I remember thinking it must be a disgruntled local sending a message. 

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This is what happens when hospitals charge the staff to park. It adds up to a huge hit from what for many is low pay. So they park legally outside someones house and this causes problems. 


There is no excuse for such mindless acts but let's be honest at worst they will get a caution, if caught. Or a good slap if caught by the wrong person

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Besides the idiotic vandalism, there's a bigger point - the fact hospitals charge doctors and nurses to park at their own place of work, if there's any space at all, and don't lay on park and ride schemes. More great caring by NHS beauracrats.

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They have a permit system at the hospital my wife works at.

Until recently she had a permit but they have just changed it so everyone had to reapply and my wife hasn't been awarded a permit.

Apparently she is supposed to get public transport!!

Now, bearing in mind that we live approx 25 miles from the hospital with no possible public transport for a 7am start I'm not sure what clown thought of that one!

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They missed the rust on the Mini's rear arch completely, Russ - useless.



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The clowns are the DOH. At one of the hospitals where my wife works they had to repaint the parking squares larger to reduce the space available and make staff use the park and ride a few miles away.

As this was at the top of Bath by the time the bus got to the hospital they could not get on. At the same time they were given a budget to appoint a "cycling to work  coordinator" , they did not spend it as being at the very top of a very large hill from every direction, only a top class cyclist would make it. They shiny bike rack looked pretty.


Most hospitals I know have parking permits which are rationed, or sold cheaper to key staff. My daughter is a JD and does get one but commutes between three hospitals at present each needing a pass.


As for the comment on resident parking passes. Yes they can apply however, what that then means is no one visiting them can park outside, which then is just as annoying.

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Besides the idiotic vandalism, there's a bigger point - the fact hospitals charge doctors and nurses to park at their own place of work, if there's any space at all, and don't lay on park and ride schemes. More great caring by NHS beauracrats.


Yep happens to us on a massive scale. If I leave the comfort of "my" space for more than 15 seconds, someone will grab it, normally a hospital visitor. There are the regular cars belonging to staff, some parked so bizarrely and causing obvious obstructions for anything larger than a modern Mini that I wonder what job they do at the hospital and if I needed their services would I survive? If we catch them we can advise they are causing an obstruction and they generally move on. Otherwise it's live and let live round here, annoying as it is it's a free world and no-one round our way is going to stump up for resident permits as a) they are too expensive and b) they don't guarantee anything anyway and have odd hours which wont stop the problem.


We have a few knocks and scrapes due to other drivers having to squeeze through but nothing on the scale reported by OP for which I'm sorry to hear. It is frustrating for residents, visitors and healthcare workers alike but does not justify criminal activity in any way. A simple note glued to the windscreen would suffice - unless they are repeat offenders and actually causing a regular nuisance of themselves and you have photographic evidence for the the council/police to "look into" there's b******* all to be done about it.

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Isn't it likely to be someone lashing out in response to the strikes?

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Isn't it likely to be someone lashing out in response to the strikes?

Doubt it, I think it's most likely a cheesed off resident who thinks you own the road in front of your house.

Anyway, I got it off thankfully. And the rust....just dirt, phew!

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