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Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

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Here is a little bit off information about the museum.


The Yorkshire Air Museum sits on the site of former RAF Elvington in North Yorkshire, a World War Two airfield used extensively by Allied bomber crews during the war. It is also the home of the Allied Forces War Memorial.

They are open every day of the year apart from Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day. They recommend that you take three or four hours over your visit to appreciate the aircraft exhibits and the other areas that make up this historically accurate RAF Bomber airfield




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Me too,


Thats great Robin.   :t-up: It looks like it will be a good turn out.


I have already had a couple of text messages with people confirmed.


We will be parking on the runway at this rate.

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Hi Geoffrey,

We are up for this too... Would be good to see you again martyn...no drifting in the car park here though......




Should be ok on the runway though!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Right Team...I have some great news.


For the past few weeks I have been dealing with a great gentleman at the museum and we have organised the following for the Thunder Day.


  • Our own parking area for between 12 to 15 Westfield cars. The cars are to be suitable for display as they will be on public viewing.


A substantial discount is been offered . The normal rate for Thunder day is £12.00 per adult. The rate to the WSCC cars that attend will be as follows.


  • £8.00 per vehicle. This includes the driver and one passenger.
  • Any additional passengers will be £6.00 per person.

The payment can be made when we attend the museum on the day.


The museum needs to know the times the vehicles will be at the museum. I will be stating between the hours of 10.00am and 3.00pm.


The museum also has a NAFFI restaurant that provides hot meals between the hours of 12.00 noon and 2.00pm. The museum needs to know how many people will be requiring the NAFFI so that they can reserve tables for us.


Can you please confirm your attendance and if you require the use of the NAFFI for a hot meal and I will update this thread.


I also need to know if a child will be the passenger.


I need conformation no later than Sunday 20th March as I have documentation to complete and return to the museum.

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Geoffrey and Lyla.                                       First car.                                              2 x for the NAFFI.

Robin.                                                          Second car.                                         1  x for the NAFFI.

Martyn and Sue                                           Third car.                                             2 x for the NAFFI.

Roger and Judy                                           Fourth car.                                           2 x for the NAFFI. 

Lee, Jay and Mum                                       Tin Top                                                3 x for the NAFFI.

Mike and Robert.                                         Sixth car                                              2 x for the NAFFI.

Marcus and Dax                                          Seventh Car                                         2 x for the NAFFI.

Nakkib and Leon                                         Tin Top                                                 2 x for the NAFFI.

Steve & Stella. [provisionally]                      Eighth car.                                            2 x for the NAFFI.

Gary & Rose. [provisionally]                        Nineth car.                                            2 x for the NAFFI.

Chris. [provisionally].                                   Tenth car                                              1 x for the NAFFI.

Rob                                                             Eleventh car.                                         1 x for the NAFFI  

Russell                                                        Twelfth car                                            1 x for the NAFFI 

Richard & Hedy.                                          Thirteenth car                                       2 x for the NAFFI

Julie & Glen.                                                Fourteenth car.                                     2 x for the NAFFI

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I'll be there.

Might as well get something to eat too.

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That is great news, well done Geoff thanks for your efforts :yes: 


Please add myself and Sue to the attendees and we will partake of lunchtime refreshments too  :d

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Hi Geoffrey,


We'll be making use of the NAAFI also!




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I have checked the super and fantastic long range weather forecast and it says that glorious sunshine will reign supreme.


Who else is coming.

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Well done Geoffrey,

Jay and I will be a definite, may even bring his mum...the westfield will be a maybe (should be) its not on the road at the moment winter upgrades etc...

Need to get my butt into gear and sort it..!!!

We will without a doubt be sampling the delights of the NAFFI.



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Post number 20 updated.


Will be good to meet Mike and Robert again.


As they say in Bingo land.


Anymore for anymore, who would care to jump in and join us. One or two more and away we go.

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Just a little over two weeks to go before I have to confirm to the museum who is attending.


Is anyone else thinking of joining us.


Post number 19 confirms who is attending so far.


This will be a great day with a big cost saving, plus we have our own little Westfield car show.

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