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A few days in Edinburgh - help

Cleggy the Spyder Man

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If the weather is typically Scottish (i.e. wet) the Museum of Scotland in Chambers street is a good day visit and just 5 mins walk from the Royal Mile.

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When you going..?


Feeding the sqizzels in Princess St Gardens was a giggle.


And a walk round Jenners the department store will win you some brownie points with SWMBO.


If you can ditch the family - a pub crawl round the grass market is a hoot...


Squirrels - Yup I remember doing that when I was a wee lad :t-up:


Jenners - hope not :(:laugh:


Grassmarket - me and my m8 will aim to lose the wives and kids at some point to enjoy the local ales :t-up:

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Not sure how old the kids are but our dynamic earth is definitely worth a visit.Ours (6 and 3 now) loved it.

Perfectly feasible to do castle and that in same day.

Be prepared to be bent over for parking if you are parking anywhere near the castle (and anywhere in the city centre for that matter!)


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Museum is free entry and lots for kids to do

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well we had s fab few days - the view from Arthur's Seat was breathtaking

We also did the museum, walked the Royal Mile, grass market areas, walked up to the castle and drove over the Britania (we didn't go in as we were doing it on a budget)

We really loved Edinburgh - could have spent another few days there easily

Thanks for all the ideas

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Yup managed a few pints - enjoyed the worlds end own beer and also the reekie :-)

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