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Totty Bye!


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Well the end of another little milestone (Westfield ownership) has passed and the cars gone north of the border into sunny (ok wintery) Scotland.


It's time to say my goodbyes as an official member. I've been on here for 5 years and its been a pleasure to be part of a great club, it's knowledge, when I've needed it, and the camaraderie / friendships has and I'm sure will remain brilliant.


I may see some of you out and about from time to time as I'm sure I will find my way to a few speed series events in the future.


Good luck all and lets hope it's a stonking summer after this pants weather we've been having!



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Sorry your leaving the fold but is it someone on here that's bought it? Always good to welcome more Westies north of the border!


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I'm sure we'll see you around somewhere or other. Hope you manage to scratch that new itch you have.

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Sorry your leaving the fold but is it someone on here that's bought it? Always good to welcome more Westies north of the border!


Well Matt, you're very likely to come across the new owner as he lives in Edinburgh. His name is Andrew and I'm sure he'll introduce himself in good time.

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Just because you don't have a Westy doesn't mean you need to leave though ... Lots on here still without cars.

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I'm sure I'll see you around and about but all the very best to you mate, it's a great club of which you've been a great member!

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Good luck in your future escapades and hope to see and the lad around a few paddocks 

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I may see some of you out and about from time to time 

..... sure hope so!

There'll be plenty of passenger spaces available, if you can cope  ;)


All't'best for your next itch scratch.

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Sorry to read that you're giving up Westy ownership. Good luck, and enjoy whatever you now take up. 

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We will miss you on the Peak District runs Tricky, hope we see you around soon and good luck in all your endeavours in the future.


Martyn and Sue

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