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Paramotoring and Icarus Trophy


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Do we have any Paragliders/Paramotorers on here?


I found this website last year .. http://www.theadventurists.com/icarus-trophy ..  and can't get the thought of doing the Icarus Trophy out of my head, so I've started looking into PPG training with the idea of entering the race in 2017. Thoughts? Am I mad?


Failing that, the Rickshaw Run or The Mongol Rally would both be a great experience also.






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Icarus ? isn't he the guy who flew to close to the sun and his wings melted !


Sounds like a great adventure , would really fancy that if I was about 50 yrs or so younger , hope you get to go and enjoy  :t-up:

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Icarus ? isn't he the guy who flew to close to the sun and his wings melted !


Indeed but that fable, while containing a worthy message of caution, irritates me because it is inaccurate, in that air temperature drops by 2 degrees Celsius for every 1,000 foot rise in altitude, and birds with wings can't fly any higher than 18,000 feet maximum for some birds of prey in the Himalayas (certainly nowhere near the surface of the Sun), so the wax in his wings couldn't possibly have melted due to flying higher.


Moral of the story: If you're going to try to make an example of someone, get your facts straight first.


Back to the OP: Yes, go for it! :t-up:

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I've been looking at paramotors lately. It's an itch I think I may have to scratch in the near future. I like the bit on the Icarus site that mentions performance " speed 20 - 45 mph depending on how many pies you eat " . 10 mph for me then!

They often fly them from behind my house and they look like serious fun and not too expensive.

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I've worked with The Adventurists marshalling at the start of the Mongol rally as well as doing various similar banger rally's all over Europe and Africa. The Adventurists are a great bunch of boys and girls who really do believe in pushing the envelope in semi organised adventures. They stress there adventures are not holidays and are potentially realy dangerous. There is limited support from the organisers and you are realy out on a limb sometimes. Having given the warning if you are even remotely interested you should look into it as there is a big old world out there and the Adventurists will help you see some of the more out of the way bits.

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So I took the plunge and I'm waiting to hear back from The Adventurists now to see if I will be accepted. 12 days of training in the UK in April, followed by another 6 in Spain in July if all goes ahead. Looks like a one in a lifetime sort of thing and it helps that the race dates coincide with my time off from work. fingers crossed.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well done for going for it Dean.  It sounds awesome  :-)

I had a Paraglider for a while and sold it when I moved house but I keep hankering after getting a Paramotor..

(Then I normally conclude that I already have too many hobbies!)

Hopefully, one day, I'll tick off my bucket list dream of flying the coast of Britain..

Keep us posted on how it all goes..

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  • 1 month later...

Just got back from 2 weeks in Spain for paramotor training. I'm now a licensed APPI Paramotor Pilot :) 


A few photos... 






It's such an absolutely incredible feeling flying in the sky. I've ordered all the equipment which should arrive next month, now I need to practice, practice, practice. Oh and find a friendly farmer who will let me use his field to take off and land from :d 



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I LOVE that bottom picture.


Perhaps I should say, "second" picture.

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