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Few things


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Happy new year!!

A few things I'm looking at sorting on my newly acquired narrow body....any advice or comments appreciated. Here we go...

1. Playskool harnesses - sounds like best option from my reading. Current Westfield 6 point is too long for my build so is unsafe as can't get tight. Also will need to reposition the crotch strap bracket and cut holes in the seats. I'll need to call Lake to see if back in stock.

2. Seat fixings - looking at welding in a decent box section as currently the MK high back plastic seats are fitted to floor only. Was going to go for a fixed position but thinking of modified standard runners would be best for me for any adjustments. Although I don't want to raise seat position. I'm going to post in the wanted section for pair of runners.

3. Quick release - going to change existing SPA one as I'm not comfortable with the play back and fore! Probably one from Playskool. May extend it also to suit distance to arms or spacer.

4. Fuel tank - existing one is only about 20 litres so could do with longer range - what's the largest off the shelf for narrow body with full cage?

5. Aero - loads of buffeting makes me think I should try one of these bubble Aero screens. People suggest it guides the wind over head? I'm not sure if it would look OK though with the full cage - I want it to look good and function to make more comfortable driving (don't want full screen). Carbon one maybe.

These are the things I want to get sorted before I drive it properly...hoping to do a track day once sorted to get used to the beast :-)

Cheers all

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Don't know about 1,2 and 3, but 4 and 5 I can add something.


4: I'm not aware of any tank for a narrow that has a larger capacity off the shelf from anyone. You would be looking at a custom made one. If you still have it you would have to lose the bot box to get any more space for the tank and probably have to move the filler cap to another position.


5: Yes, an aeroscreen of appropriate height will considerably reduce the buffeting compared with a standard windscreen on its own, or a low lip style aeroscreen. Alternatively, half doors, or wind deflectors with a windscreen will also reduce buffeting as a lot of the turbulent air comes round the sides of the screen. Not sure if standard doors are compatible with a full cage though. On my car the aeroscreen gives a pocket of still air around me that ends just above my head. This is spot on for me. These are Brooklands style old fashioned aeroscreens, but a similar shape to the double bubble style.


Hope that helps.  Jen

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More to add on aeroscreens. They produce a bubble of still air, so, the height and shape of screen that best works for you will depend on how high your seats are and how long in the body you are, which both affect where your head comes to. Seat rake angle also affects this and can be altered too by angling the seats, but the scope for adjustment is more limited in a Westfield. Can't tell from your avatar picture, but if you have a lip style aeroscreen already, but if you do, then have a drive at speed and feel with an un-gloved hand where the still air ends and where the wind rush starts on the passenger side. This will give you an idea of how much higher the screen will need to project, or alternatively, how much lower the seats can be dropped, or raked. You'll still have to be able to see over the top of the screen in normal driving.




Edited to add: There is a new thread on Tech Talk about aeroscreens for people with their heads in the clouds.

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Don't let those little niggles stop you from going on a track, you might end up missing a whole year of trackdays.    That would be a tragedy.

As for the seta fixing, why not bolt direct to the floor as you did before. If no seat support rails in your car add some underneath.

If you go to seat runners that will raise you up about 25 to 30mm but will feel a lot more.

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Thanks for your inputs both.

Screen - I have a little lip type now. I don't plan on adding a windscreen and will continue with a full helmet. With the full cage I think this is the only way. I had been considering the double bubble style, I just think they can look a little odd but I guess only way to see is to try one out on the car. Good idea with feeling for where still air stops to gauge how much higher screen needs to be.

Tank - I'm not sure what could be done with the existing fuel cap as it would be odd with 2 of them and only other tidy option would be fair bit of work with blanking, filling and painting. Shame if no larger tanks on the market - are narrow and wide versions different?

Seat fixings - they are currently bolted down to floor via small box sections but only fix to the floor, not to anything more rigid. If modified runners will raise it I may just look at new box section that is also welded to chassis to make safer.

To be honest I have no time to use right now as working away but minimum I must sort is the seat fixings and harnesses that fit me. Then a track day :-) hopefully before my race season starts!!

Here's a link where hopefully you can see more pics of the car, some of which were taken by Nathan who I bought the car off:


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Narrow and wide tanks are different. A wide tank won't fit in a narrow chassis. Why not see how much of an issue range actually is on track first? On the road I typically fill up every 100 miles or so, but this would be much much more often on track. A huge tank when full is going to put a lot of extra weight at the back of the car, behind the rear wheels. Might this change the handling on track between full and empty? Plenty of track focused cars use the standard 5 gallon tank.



As Sooty says, just get out there and drive. Your list of issues to fix at the end of the season will almost certainly be different from what they are now.



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2. If you fit runners, you will raise the seat. How many people will drive the car regularly? Can you get away with cushions for any irregular drivers?

3. Sounds stupid, but is the wheel on properly? The RaceTech one for example has two grooves in the boss, one where the wheel is meant to be and a second one further up (I can only assume as a 'just in case'). The wheel has loads of play in one, but not the other. One of the cars I bought had an issue where the wheel wouldn't quite make the second groove... Worth a look!

4. Have you tested the range of your tank yet? Worth doing before changing...

5. Look at making a small extender to your screen from lexan, it's cheap off eBay, then you'll know exactly what height you need when it comes to the real thing.

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My thinking with a larger tank is that it will be far better for road use and any trips to Nurburg. I didn't record exact mileage when taking a local spin but it wasn't much at all :-) When on track I wouldn't need to fill it right up.

I'm steering towards forgetting the runners idea and stick with keeping low for better feel/driving position...so just a better box section with crotch strap bracket....and new harnesses with short lap belts that I can actually pull tight. I'll just sort seats and harnesses before proper blast...other bits can come after.

Good point with the grooves...from memory I'm sure there was just one groove and a fair bit of play if you pull and push the wheel. Small extender to the screen could be a good option the I hadn't considered!

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Regarding tank sizes!

Mine is 2.0 zetec with standard tank, I did Glasgow to Leicester with one stop for fuel, I was on fumes coming onto the drive!

Whilst driving I was quite happy to fuel up after a couple of hours, this gives an all needed mini break to your system then I am ready for the next tank. Done plenty of European trips on motorbikes covering ground at speed and the concentration needed is tiring hence happy to splash and dash.

At Track days if the track doesn't have fuel I fuel up as near as possible and fill two five litre cans just to save me having to leave the circuit always been fine! The other thing is at the track I have always just dumped the fuel cans and anything else I didn't want in the car in a pile which was always there when I have come off circuit!

I say don't over think stuff...

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Some good points there Snappy - thanks. I'll certainly leave this one and get driving it plenty first :-)

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