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Weekend drives.. thank you

Trevor Little (Trevturtle) - Treasurer

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Excellent words, Julie and Glen have, (like many of our fantastic AO's) put a huge amount of work into their area and done a superb job; it's not easy bringing an area up, effectively from scratch, and they deserve especial praise for diving in with so much enthusiasm and success.

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I've owned my westfield for a year and bought it for the occasional track day (tick), but more for fun driving evenings and weekends.


Most of these weekend drives have been organised by Julie (one careful lady owner), who finds the time to plan, test drive the routes, find interesting place to visit/eat and organise people to join the drives.

I've only attended a few of the events because of family and work commitments, but the effort Julie and Glen have invested over the past year have ensured there are always 1-2 events a month and  a growing group of cars/drivers joining the group (so there are always a few cars to make the drive fun  :t-up: )


THANK YOU one of best reasons for joining the club  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:


Happy Christmas to all


Very well expressed views Trev, and wholly seconded from Sue and I  :)  :)  :)  :)

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We are nothing, NOTHING, without this club and it's great members.


Glen wanted a car, any car, to tinker with in the garage for his retirement and let me choose what we had. I thought we were just buying a fun car to drive, which it is, but we never thought we would get so much more by joining this club and meeting it's members. It is something that you cannot go out and buy, it is amazing what we all share with one another. Thank you for this post, ironically it is started by the man that I am so much indebted to, garage time, track day time, should I not be thanking you Trevor?


Thank you very much to everyone who turns up and makes our day.

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Not been the most active member just of late, but thanks for making most welcome to the 'Peak District'

Had a good laugh when I saw the Westfield Slimming Car Club (WSCC) and the weigh in.

Me thinks my Westie will need a diet  and a gym to compete.....


Wishing you all the very best for Christmas and a great blatting New Year.


Thanks Julie & Glen..... Keep up the good work 

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