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hello every body,

My name it's luke58 and I have one question .

three months a go, I pay my dream one westfield SE., and for my car I have one question : I have a problem with my two mirrors exterior, anibody have a good adress whre a go to purchase this product ? will a mirror convex, because the other are verry discomfort for me .Thank you for your time and I wait a news or you

sorry for my english but it's not my mother language, I speek french

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Hi Luke,


No need to apologise for your English - it's far better than most of us here could do in French.  If your mirrors are the later standard Rover 100 ones then there are plenty of them and/or convex glass to fit them on eBay here. 


If they are not these mirrors then we need a photo. 


Hope that helps.



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Hi and welcome!

There's been a few different types of mirror fitted over the years, plus, of course, being kit cars, people fit individual styles they like as well.

The only way to be sure of what you've got at the moment is, like Stuart said, to post up a photo.

To give you an idea of the sort of variety, earlier Westfields, with windscreens often had Escort mirrors, the later and current cars with windscreens have Rover 100/Metro mirrors, while aeroscreened cars, with factory supplied mirrors are most often from one of the Suzuki GSX-R models.

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Here is what Stuart said above.

Pas besoin de présenter des excuses pour votre anglais - il est beaucoup mieux que la plupart d'entre nous ici pourraient faire en français. Si vos rétroviseurs sont les standards Rover 100 plus tardifs alors il ya beaucoup d'entre eux et / ou convexe en verre pour les adapter sur eBay ici.


Si elles ne sont pas ces miroirs alors nous avons besoin d'une photo.


Espérer que des aides.



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maintenant vous simplement en vous montrant...!

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ok, thank you all, for you answers, I take one picture or the mirror on my westfield and I post the picture on this page.

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