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Sat 12th December, Weigh Your Car Day

Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

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Understandable Robin, just don't tell the Mrs that you think your gearbox is falling out.

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She knows, well she saw me laid underneath the car this morning.


The plate for the gearbox mount is pop riveted to the chassis and 3 have broken off. I've drilled and tapped them but really need rivnuts in. I'll bring a rivnut gun home from work on Monday then I'll have to arrange a compresser, or get a 14 mile long airline.

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Going to give today a miss, I need get the gearbox fixed properly before along run.

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Sorry guys ime out, weather a bit too dodgy with no roof  :(

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Rather be there in wet

Than ######### shopping :( :( :(

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It was wet, very very wet.

Regards nutjob1

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Oh no poor Dave, Christmas shopping, can't think of anything worse. Have a read of this and I hope it makes it more bearable for you.


Glen and I arrived at MacD's and sat there wondering who would be brave enough to turn up as the rain was really coming down. Along came Trevor, Russ and Martyn and Sue. Everyone was in a full set of waterproofs, especially Russ with his aeroscreen, roll cage and bike helmet, sod this roof malarkey, it's for girls is it?

Over a cuppa everyone collectively agreed that it was my fault that we keep coming out in the rain because I keep organising things, I would say sorry I will stop it but I am not and I won't :d. Besides we are used to it now, it's the norm.


We took the short journey to my workplace, Veolia, where our engineering manager and motorbiker/petrolhead Nigel was waiting for us. We broke every rule in the book as petrol engines are not allowed on site, we didn't have a site safety induction or wear any PPE. We took our turns on the weighbridge and everyone got a print out of their weight. The lightest, Russ, was the most disappointed, no doubt he is in the garage right now turfing stuff out of his car. I had a full tank of petrol and an asrenal of tools under the bonnet so I was not surprised to be the heaviest. I think Martyn and Trevor were quite pleased with their weight.




The weights were

Russ    580kgs

Trevor  620kgs

Martyn 660kgs

Julie     680kgs


We had tea, biscuits and a warm. Trevor spiced things up a bit, he suggested that we guess our (people not cars) collective weight and the one who guesses the nearest gets a bottle of fizz, which he had bought in readiness. The weighbridge weighs in 20kgs, so to see if it would weigh us accurately I went and stood on it. Naked I am just short of 60kg, so dressed I guess it will be pretty accurate if the read out said 60kg, which it did. So like the daft sods that we all are, we went outside in the rain and stood on the weighbridge. Nigel recorded the weight and announced the winner, which was Martyn at 540kg. Just out of interest that was the heaviest guess which goes to show you are fatter than what you think you are!


Martyn and the winning bottle of fizzy




We took the short drive to Netherthorpe Airfield and although there were no planes flying we got a tour of the hangar before heading to the clubhouse. I have 3 months membership as it is members only. The food was fresh cooked excellence and service was good.


Parked at the airfield, still raining




The hangar




I led everyone back to the motorway and on the way Russ did a spectacular right turn, wiggling all over the road in my rear view mirror he was, he looked great.

Next Saturday, it is the Santa run so get dressed up, put some fairy lights on your car and lets go and wave at all the kids who will be surely fed up of Christmas shopping by then. See the separate posting in Events.

Thanks Trevor for the fun quiz and thanks all for coming you nutters.

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What the pictures miss is the amount of mud, grass and general farm road material Russ managed to get on his car by driving through the biggest puddles. Good to watch....like a 3 year with wellies and a field of puddles...good one Russ (aka nutjob2 with no roof)

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May as well embrace the moisture. Looks a much better day today :/

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