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Sad Day


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After 15 years of being a member of the family, we had to say goodbye to Tilly our Westie yesterday.


What a character and what a friend and she has left a large hole in our lives.  RIP.



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So sorry to read this, you know how dear our Westies are to us. I hope in due course you can give another one a kind and loving home, which the best memorial you can give to a much loved and missed pet.

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Sorry for your loss. Over the past twelve months I lost both my Jack Russell's. Both were 16 year's old. Anyone who isn't or hasn't been a dog owner probably won't understand how quickly they become part of the family.

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Looks a like a lovely dog - I'm so sorry she's gone.


Anyone who isn't or hasn't been a dog owner probably won't understand how quickly they become part of the family.


Cat owners too...


Our vets sent us a card signed by all the staff  :down:

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Looks a like a lovely dog - I'm so sorry she's gone.

Cat owners too...

Our vets sent us a card signed by all the staff :down:

Sorry, should have said PET owners!

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Such a big part of the family to loose. It breaks your heart at the time, but then you start to remember all the happy times; the loopy moments that made you laugh, the funny little quirks and ways that make them all different.

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It is hard for none pet owners to understand the real loss you feel. I was never a big lover of pets but our Springer Spaniel turned me around and became part of me. When he was put down last Christmas Eve it was the hard to say good bye.

We have resisted getting another so far as our lifestyles are not suitable for a puppy but the home feels empty without him. As others have said remember the joy not the sorrow.

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When my last cat died, I thought he was totally irreplaceable, so put off and stalled, and delayed, and...


In the end, a few years later, some long standing customers basically said "here, this kitten needs a home, he's poorly and can't stay with us, we've paid all his vets bills, and he'll be OK as a pet, after his operation." And that was it, I was passed a furry, six month old bundle of fluff named Max.


I do miss the old cat occasionally, but I'd not swap Max for anything!


Oh, and this post has taken twice as long to type as it should, due to Max currently sitting on my knee at the desk, with his front paws hovering near the keyboard.  :d


Don't leave it as late as I did. It's most certainly not being disloyal, or seeking to "replace" a loved pet that's no longer with us. It's just sharing what the old friend had, with a new one...

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RIP little Tilly

We've 4 collies,  don't think it can ever be easy loosing one.

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Thank you one and all for your kind thoughts.  Like most of you, this is not the first time we have lost a treasured pet but that never seems to make it any easier.  The house certainly seems empty because we always had 2 dogs until my German Pointer, Bron, died in 2012 but we have had Tilly since 2000 so there was still a dog in the house. You can just see Bron's paws in the picture I posted


I keep looking round behind me to make sure I don't trip over her when stepping back from anything or pushing my chair back from the desk.

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