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Yorkshire weekend May or June 2016?

Trevor Little (Trevturtle) - Treasurer

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During last week's moist matlock mystery tour a few of us discussed a weekend in Yorkshire ..so we can sample the excellent roads. The plan was to stay over in a BnB.

I have looked at a larger house to rent (sleeps 20) for a weekend and we can stop over for probably £50 - £80 a head for a 3 day weekend...less for 2 days.
I need to check the exact price but I have stayed at similar places in Devon the last three years and if you get a large group it is a really cheap way of getting accommodation for a group.

Hopefully buttercup can help us with routes and days out, and the growing Kingster clan oooop norf will join us?

I can organise a food and drink (tesco delivery) so we have food morning and evening .. and a few beers to finish the day.

This post is to gauge interest. If there is enough interest I will suggest some dates and get some prices... we need 15 to 20 people to make this economical to book a whole house.

Words of wisdom for the week are...

Spring is nature's way of saying, Let's party!”
― Robin Williams

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What a great idea.

More than happy to join in.

First two weeks of June I will be in Scotland though so the middle of May would be good for me if possible so I could join you.

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Interested depending on cost - would rather do 2 days than 2 to save taking time off work :)

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Good one :yes:

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Liking the plan!

The kingster clan will be doing the Alps between 28th May and 4th June so dates might clash?

But keen to join in if the dates work out.

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Sounds like a good idea. How about incorporating your weekend with the Yorkshire 8 run. This is normally at the end of May so should be easy enough to get the dates and runs sorted out.

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This sounds a great idea  :t-up:

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Can we all wear silly hats and makeup. Have a role reversal day. Girls dress as boys and boys dress as girls.

That's compulsory for AOs. Did no one tell you?

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Well it is


That's compulsory for AOs. Did no one tell you?


Well it is my normal attire.


I just wanted everyone else to do the same so that I fitted in and did not stand out.


I can always lend you a liberty bodice and some size 10 slingbacks if you need them.

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