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London, why i hate the place and never want to travel there...

Darrell O'Neill

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All littering is to be hated but the mistake you made was dropping it in the first place and then giving your real details. What is wrong is society has changed, people used to sweep in front of their home or shop but now it is "the councils job" so what happens is someone dumps something and in the blink of an eye everyone else does it.

You saw a p*** stained corner full of litter and added to it and the cycle continues ad infinitum. But instead of the council identifying where casual litter is dropped and but a bin it is more lucrative to fine you as you will pay and you and your wife have paid for the mans wages and a bit more. Just imagine the turnover from that one corner.

I visit London regularly and this will annoy many, but away from the tourist areas, which are kept well, in general it is a toilet in many areas. And as people are busy rushing about they miss the slow decline in standards

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All littering is to be hated but the mistake you made was dropping it in the first place and then giving your real details. What is wrong is society has changed, people used to sweep in front of their home or shop but now it is "the councils job" so what happens is someone dumps something and in the blink of an eye everyone else does it.

You saw a p*** stained corner full of litter and added to it and the cycle continues ad infinitum. But instead of the council identifying where casual litter is dropped and but a bin it is more lucrative to fine you as you will pay and you and your wife have paid for the mans wages and a bit more. Just imagine the turnover from that one corner.

I visit London regularly and this will annoy many, but away from the tourist areas, which are kept well, in general it is a toilet in many areas. And as people are busy rushing about they miss the slow decline in standards

The measure of the decline, Jeff, is in the chewing gum patch count. In the west end there's more chewing gum than pavement visible! 

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They call us emmits in cornwall i believe :)


Ah yes, it's Devon grockles then! Only marks of respect, obviously! We all hate the people from the next village don't we? ???

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They call us emmits in cornwall i believe :)

I've lived in Cornwall coming on thirty years now and i'm still classed as a emmit   

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I suppose an £80 pound fine in London for dropping a cigarette butt is probably better than setting a field of corn alight in the countryside. Hopefully you won't be dropping them anywhere from now on :t-up:  :)

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So you broke the law, were punished accordingly, and now you're never going to go back to the place where you were punished. sounds like a win win to me. Contributing to an issue does not make it any more acceptable or reasonable. Smokers, without trying to stereotype, often think this is an acceptable practice. If someone threw a cigarette end into your garden, I am sure you would be displeased at best, so why do it in a communal area where there are animals, children, etc. If it was my choice, I would make anyone who was caught littering to eat their litter, would stop a lot of people leaving their dog s**t behind.

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I visit London regularly and this will annoy many, but away from the tourist areas, which are kept well, in general it is a toilet in many areas. And as people are busy rushing about they miss the slow decline in standards

I live in London, have done all my life, and drive ALL over it for work ALL the time. And as much as I hate to say it Jeff as you have never given me pause before, I'm afraid on this one you are talking b*****k*.

As for littering in general yes it's a problem. Was my bumpkin friend harshly dealt with? Well yes and no. The £80 fine doesn't seem to fit the crime. But you won't do it again, and that is the point.

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Well London is a big area so granted there may be some oasis of niceness I have not yet discovered. On my travels regularly I go North Circular, South Circular Barking, Charlton and many areas around there and to me they are not what I would say are nice.

The parks, the sights around the city and down to Greenwich (which I class the touristy bits) are always kept nice. 


As I said it is my opinion which others may well feel differently. There are also many places in Bristol which I view in the same way so maybe it is me who has an unrealistic expectation.

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Oh and everyone is welcome here in gods country, emmits and grockells included.

You forgot smokers..... :laugh:

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I may well be in Cornwall before Christmas. If I get a chance I'm going to pop along and see Matt. I am also going to drop as much litter as possible. London is full (apparently) so it's time we started to share our "resources"  :p  :getmecoat:

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