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London, why i hate the place and never want to travel there...

Darrell O'Neill

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As a country boy, I cant stand the city of London, never have done..... But now I have another reason.

I had to drive there last month for a hospital appointment.

After driving into Merton on rush hour we parked up at the station, then whilst picking of way through the broken glass and needles along the path from the carpark to the underground both my partner and I roll and lit cigarettes.. sooner than we thought the pathway came out on the street right next to the tube station. So (and yes you know what's coming next) we both dropped our cigarettes into a dirty urine and butt invested corner as we walked. The next thing we know we are confronted by an 'environmental officer' on CCTV and given an £80 fine EACH ..... all within 10mins of arriving in the capitol city!!!... I can honestly say I never even thought about it, I never thought for one min that less than a cubic centre of paper (bear in mind it was a hand rolled cigarette with no filter) could or would be considered as littering. Its certainly not something that applies or is advertised here in Cornwall.

Within 24 hours my partner had her fixed penalty notice come through, she contested it but was told it still applied. That was two weeks ago!

Today, I get a very threatening letter, not recoreded delivery, no contact email or phone details, with an incorrect postage address for me on it. BUT its not a Fixed Penalty Notice, but a 1st reminder for not paying the FP which I haven't received!!!, I am told I do not have the right to contest or have it review but I have infact 48hrs to pay it!!!

Whilst, I can accept that something has to be done about the litter, is this really the way to treat tourists to the city? I even accept I was in the wrong, even though I was totally unaware. But sure a slap on the wrists or a sensible amount of fine would be more appropriate ...

livid, is not the word!! ( and yes, I know I have to quit)

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Whilst I can see your point of view but you threw away your cigarettes into a "butt infested " corner and added to the litter problem?

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Whilst I can see your point of view but you threw away your cigarettes into a "butt infested " corner and added to the litter problem?




Re the fine - was it council issued or 3rd party? You *may* be able to just not pay it if its 3rd party (I am not a lawyer)

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I totally agree Terry, I was totally in the wrong, I accept that, but the way the punishment is being delt with is what I'm really ranting about. £80 for what is affectively a peice of biodegradable paper of less than 1cm is rather harse.

They've sent me a reminder for a penalty they haven't notified me of, ive no right of appeal and less than 48hrs to pay...

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The signature on the letter is not legible, there is no printed name but it is on 'London borough of Merton" headed paper and says "kingdom security working on behalf of London borough of Merton" at the end.

I do actually feel rather guilty at being such a lout! Was just exhausted after the 4.5hr drive, rush hour and wasn't thinking. It really isn't something I've ever heard of or ever been made aware of down here.

I don't have a decent excuse for my behaviour...

Edited to add, surely something as important as a FPN should have been sent recorded delivery? Not just a second class stamp..

I was actually very polite and courteous to the officer, I almost found it humourous that something so petty could be such an issue. I gave all my details, even checked spelling and proved the address for her, yet they have still managed to send it addressed incorrectly....

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I do agree that the way fines are applied and require payment are often barbaric especially in London for parking

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Does sound harsh

However to flip the coin i have a private plate on my wifes car whixh misses the space in the middle in order to spell her name ( yes i know its illegal) although the text etc is correct type

We ' ve had this plate for 10 years on various cars and been everywhere in it , including getting a fixed penalty for speeding on overhead cameras on the m42

Ive been followed , driven past and parked next to police and never had an issue

Decided to have a short break in sunny cornwall last year , got to dobwalls and followed a police car towards a little shop to get some supplies - he carried on

Next thing he s swung round and come flying back with his lights on

Two armed officers get out and start crawling all over the (2 year old) car - inform me the plates illegal and that , because they cant correctly ifentify it , may have to go on a Q reg - at which point i began to argue back with the correct reason Q exists and that they are the only people who have ever had an issue with it

They slso wanted to know the plate maker and garages where theyve gone through mots

I questioned armed police being the most suitable use os resource but was ignored

They give me a ticket to get them changed and go on their way

2 weeks later devon and c wall police send me a £100 fine and want the plate makers details

Dvla get in touch a week after and want receipts and photos of the new plates and the makers of the old ones

So,like you say , over the top jobsworthy pratts with nothing better to do than spoil your day and give the tourist the hump

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£80 for what is affectively a peice of biodegradable paper

it may seem harsh and relative to the amount of litter you dropped I agree that it is high but.... As a penalty it's making you and I'm sure many others who have also been fined think twice about dropping litter in the future which will only help to clean up the dirty streets.
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Without going into the details of your case I am glad that dropping litter is being punished. It seems to be getting worse round here. Most road verges are terrible not to mention people I see eating fast food in their car and just throwing it out of the window

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sign up to the legal beagles forum http://legalbeagles.info and ask for some advise, quite often if you appear to be prepared to fight tooth and nail over such things they can just disappear, but there is always a risk that they just won't let go and the costs increase, In my opinion both of you getting fined was over the top and should be classed as one case

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I'm not arguing the fact that I was wrong. It has made me actually think about how lucky we are down here. I guess I'm wrong for not thinking. After all, such a small 'piece of paper' really doesn't have ANY effect down here.

Just feel Ive been royally screwed over with having no 'Notice' of the penalty and then to be given only 48hrs to pay without chance to beg for some sensibility on the subject.

Of course I'm not going to fight it tooth and nail, im just going to hold it against London for a lifetime.... 

Do all organisations send fixed penalty notices unrecorded and with a send class stamp these days?

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As a confirmed anti smoker, this is one of my pet hates, why do smokers think that dimps are not litter?

How would you feel if all the smoking tourists that visit Cornwall dumped their dimps wherever they felt like?

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