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Free tea and biscuits


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Good point Alan, I go 2 weeks today. They like my blood because 0 negative can be given in an emergency to any blood group. Also, well, it's free biccies, what more is there to say!





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I gave blood regularly but now I'm on aspirin I am banned. Would have thought it would fix any headaches in the recipient.


So just go and do it everyone should, stop nambypambying about and go for the biscuits and tea.


You never know when you may need it.


Bob :d

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Used to do it years ago, but been banned since having all the tablets for my neck. Can't see the problem myself, if you need emergency blood, you probably need anaesthetic, so just use mine, comes with all the pain killers built in!

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Gave a pint last week, no problem and the cup of tea was nice!

Never given blood before but will be back in 12 weeks for the next session

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I was a blood donor for years, then one day they said 'you cant give blood today' why? 'your blood pressures a bit high you need to go and see your doctor' been on medication ever since so they dont want my blood anymore.

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I Went yesterday and give my pint of the red stuff, interesting conversation with the nurse while she was plumbing me in, she mentioned that the London 7\11 bombings used half of the UK blood stock and there was huge amount of pressure to restock, makes you think with recent events, if you can give then please give

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