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South America travels and a new camera?


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So I'm off for a 6 week trip From Peru, through Bolivia and Chile ending in Argentina in 7 days time. Just realised I better start getting things to put in mu suitcase. One of the highlights of the trip will be a 4 day trek to Machu Picchu along the Inca trail, and seeing as I will be away for Christmas I was thinking that I deserve another Christmas present, although how many more times I can use that line I am not too sure. 


So I'm looking for some idiots guide information from those in the know; 


I'd like a Mirrorless DSLR, mainly for the size, and I like the look and positive reviews for the Olympus range, 




or the



I'll also need a lens suitable for mainly street and landscape photos, I'll not be too bothered about Macro.... I don't think. 


What combo should I go for? Am I even looking at a decent camera here? 


Thanks for your help, 





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I don't know the best from the latest range.  I bought a Nikon 1 that I am happy with from size and photo quality.


I would consider spare batteries if you can't charge easily everyday

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DSLR wise you wouldn't go wrong with either Conon or Nikon, both have plenty of lens and pricing options.

If you fancy something more compact I've been well impressed with my CSC Panasonic GX7 and lenses.

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I use a Pentax K5 but it's big and heavy.

But boy oh boy are you going to have a fantastic time, we did this trip a couple of years ago.

Machu Pichu


You should try and get to Iguasu Falls.

This is from a Helicopter, but you can get wet as well, we did the walkways and boat ride and got really wet.


Beunos Aries has some nice parks and monuments.


But for me Patagonia was the highlight. El Chalten and El Calafate.





And you must go on the Glaciers.





In El Chalten we met this guy on a bit of a road trip.


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Brilliant Paul, 8 days left and I jet off. I don't get to go to al those places, but some I do, and others too, 4x4's across the Bolivian Salt Flats should be good. 


I went for an OM-D-E-M5 II and a M. Zuiko Digital ED 14-150mm f4.0-5.6 lens. 


Still no idea what I've bought really, but hopefully it'll be good enough in my hands for the majority of photos I'll be taking. A quick photography how-to magazine in the airport should see me right :) 

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Your gonna love it, we did, one of my best holidays ever, just be aware in the big city tourist attractions, we met a couple who got mugged twice in two days, nothing confrontational, just a quick bag snatch both times, so be carefull, keep your valuables out of sight when your not using them, and keep your bags close to you in a tight grip.

Don't forget we need to see plenty of photo's :t-up:

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not sure on camera choice but most DSLR's come with a 11-55 or similar lens which is a good multi purpose lens, so try to look for at least this on a mirrorless - 11-55 is ideal for wide expansive shots at 11mm and then ideal at 50mm for street shots IMO


you may find a much bigger range of zoom on mirrorless cameras - I really have not looked at them

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