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What makes you cry on telly.

Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

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What made me cry tonight was that I had to put my dog of 16 years to sleep…it's heartbreaking I can tell you...



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So sorry Murray, I feel for you. :(. 16 years is a ripe old age but it doesn't make it hurt any less.

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Feel for you Murray. We had to have ours put to sleep on Christmas eve last year. Not really looking forward to this year as my daughter and wife will be in bits around 9.00pm.

As for the advert, it does nothing for me just has no atmosphere, i'll get me coat!

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Really sorry about your dog :-(

Plenty to bring a tear to your eye on tv at the moment - just watch the news

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Plenty to bring a tear to your eye on tv at the moment - just watch the news

Or X Factor, or I'm a Celebrity, or dancin, or The Apprentice, or any Soaps, or anything to do with cookin', or, or, or............

That's not to belittle the tragic events in Paris, that does make me want to cry.

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I don't cry on the telly, the tears would short it out. :p

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What made me cry tonight was that I had to put my dog of 16 years to sleep…it's heartbreaking I can tell you...



Really sorry to hear of your best friend , had to do the same with mine a long time ago so know what your going through  

That's a lovely photo , what was his name ?

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Regurgitating tired old shows (and hosts), such as TFI Friday .. funny once and in its day, but painful and worn today!

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The day I say goodbye to my dog will make me cry more than any crap on the telly

Looked a lovely dog Murraymint RIP

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Such sad news Phil.

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In a similar vein to Murraymint...you have my sincerest sympathies. I had to do the same to one of our new kittens on Friday. Only had him 3 months but already he was part of the family and promised to be a cracking cat.


Can't think of much on telly likely to raise a tear out of me though. Perhaps the latest from Paris should make me shed one for humanity as a whole, but I think I'm over that - we're screwed.



....and apropos the OP...what the flip are Xmas adverts on telly for?, it's barely half way through November and Bonfire month still has 2 weeks to run.

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