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Geoffrey's Jaunt to York Dungeon. 19.12.15

Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

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I am organising a trip to York Dungeon on Saturday 19th December for 10 people.


Anyone is free to attend from any area.


I can get tickets for £8.95 for each adult, for a booking in advance, of 10 people and this is a significant saving.


The time I am proposing is the  11.30am to 12.30pm slot.


We are able to use the park and ride from Monks Cross which is very convenient.


After leaving the dungeon we could have a wander round York centre or go get a drink and something to eat.


I am happy to pay for the tickets once I get 10 people and then you would Paypal the money back for your tickets to me as a gift so I did not have to pay a fee and lose money.


If you are interested will you put your name down in this thread and once I get 10 people I will book the tickets.


Please note. You do not have to be in your Westfield as I know some folks SORN them or do not like to use them over winter. Please do not let this stop you coming.


Here is a bit about the dungeon and also the first two names.


  • Geoffrey.
  • Carol.

What is the York Dungeon?

Fear is a funny thing...

The York Dungeon is a 75-minute journey into more than 2000 years of York's horrible history. The Dungeon brings together an amazing cast of theatrical actors, special effects, stages and scenes in a truly unique and exciting walkthrough experience that you see, hear, touch, smell and feel. It’s hilarious fun and it’s sometimes a bit scary.

You will laugh and scream, you will love it. We do too and here is why:

  • The York Dungeon is now Bolder and Better than ever before
  • 12 laugh-out-loud shows
  • Laughs, screams and cutting-edge storytelling

We're the black comedy of attractions; dark, atmospheric and very very funny.

Certificate of Excellence
2015 Winner


Yes, but how does it work?

You and your companions follow the story of York's darkest history through 12 live shows and 9 live actors. It is based on real history (minus the boring bits) where you come face-to-face with sinister characters from York's gruesome past, including traitorous plotter Guy Fawkes and the infamous highwayman Dick Turpin.

It is a fully themed experience. That means 360° sets, full of authenticity and theatrical storytelling. On your journey you will get a check-up from our resident plague doctor, get lost in the Labyrinth of the Lost and learn about the legend of The Golden Fleece. Believe us, it's better than a sightseeing tour of York!

Read more about the characters through their personal profiles.

Here are some of our most popular shows and attractions:

  • Cliffords Tower
    Very nasty things happen here...
  • Plague
    Spots, boils, pus... yuk! The Doctor's assistant will see you now.
  • Guy Fawkes
    Remember, remember, this will bring the house down.
  • Ghost of York
    You will never drink alone in the Golden Fleece.
  • Lost Roman Legion Labyrinth
    Get lost in the disorientating, claustrophobic mirror maze.
  • Eric Bloodaxe
    You know how some people just suit their name...
  • The Torturer
    It’s back-breaking work. Did I hit a nerve?
  • The Judge
    Frantically funny. Thief? Villain? Rogue? Clear conscience?
  • Execution
    See how they roll at Mickelgate Bar.
  • Dick Turpin
    Some faces just stop traffic. Expect holdups ahead.
  • Witches
    A warm welcome awaits. Cackle as they crackle.
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Put me down for 2 please Geoff, Me and Caroline.

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Morning Robin.


That's brilliant.


I dread to think what you will say when you see my paypal address. ;)


  • Geoffrey.
  • Carol.
  • Robin.
  • Caroline.


just need another 6. :t-up:

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Just a BTTT to see if anyone is interested.


I know its a while away but if I can get six more people, I would like to pay for the tickets so that I can get the block booking and discounts.


Should be a nice day as could also visit the minster, wander round the Shambles etc, etc if any wanted too.

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Hi Geoffrey,


My son, daughter-in-law and grandkids were originally arriving up from London on the 19th have but now re-scheduled their arrival for the 20th so Judy and I are now able to join you on your York Dungeon expedition.


Let me know where you intend to meet etc., as we'll be travelling to York via the East Yorkshire Bus Service.




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Afternoon Roger.


That's great news.


I suggest that we meet at the bottom of the steps to Clifford's Tower as it is so easy to find.


I will confirm a time later.


Just need another 4 people and I will book the tickets.


  • Geoffrey.
  • Carol.
  • Robin.
  • Caroline.
  • Roger.
  • Judy.


just need another 4. :t-up:

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And a BTTT.


This should be a good day out with a great bunch of people if anyone would like to put there names down.


Just another 4 people to join us required to get the good discount on the tickets.

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And a BTTT


I thought people would be well up for this.


Still need another 4 people so I can book the tickets at the discounted rate.

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Hello All.


It would be great for another 4 people to sign up so I can book the tickets and receive the discounted price for us all.


York is lovely at Christmas and this will be a good day.


Would also like to add that any "guests" who are interested in Westfield cars would like to join us then you will be more than welcome.


I can be contacted through my email link that is within my signature below.

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Updated list below.


Thanks Terry and Gill for attending.


We just need another two people to attend to enable me to book the tickets and receive the significant savings on the tickets.


Would anyone else care to join us. I could really do with knowing now.


  • Geoffrey.
  • Carol.
  • Robin.
  • Caroline.
  • Roger.
  • Judy.
  • Terry.
  • Gill.
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On Saturday 19th we will be meeting Roger and Judy at 10.45am by the steps at the bottom of Clifford's Tower.




This is where we need to meet anyone else who is not using the Monks Cross park and ride.


I will be at the Monks Cross bus ticket office / waiting room at 9.45am and I will be catching the 10.00am bus into York to go to Cliffords Tower.




As we do not have ten people here is a link where you can buy cheaper tickets for individuals over the internet. This is still a good saving.


You will need to buy your own ticket as I will now not be buying them through paypal.


You can also pay for them at the door but it is more expensive.


We need to enter the attraction by 11.30am as the cheapest tickets are for between 10.30am and 11.30am.


I have bought my ticket for between these times.




If anyone gets lost or is late then give me a ring on 07715451330.


See you there.





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Just a massive thankyou for the people who attended today.


We had a brilliant day with loads and loads of laughs.


A few scares and screams and I think everyone of us had an "experience" in the York dungeon.


The food after was first class with a brilliant atmosphere and everyone agreed it was a first class day.


A big thankyou for the gifts that I received also at the end of the day. it was a lovely surprise.

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Nice one good sir, I'm impressed. Especially that all escaped the dungeon. :d

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