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Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

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Hi Terry.


Here you go.


Flying Scotsman was originally built in Doncaster for the London and North Eastern Railway (LNER), emerging from the works on 24 February 1923 and initially numbered 1472. It was designed by Sir Nigel Gresley as part of the A1 class – the most powerful locomotives used by the railway.

By 1924, when it was selected to appear at the British Empire Exhibition in London, the loco had been renumbered 4472 – and been given the name ‘Flying Scotsman’ after the London to Edinburgh rail service which started daily at 10am in 1862. 


In 2004, Flying Scotsman hit the headlines again with yet another crisis over its ownership. A campaign spearheaded by National Railway Museum to save the locomotive for the nation amassed the support of thousands, confirming its status as a national treasure. Since 2006, Flying Scotsman has been undergoing an extensive restoration in the workshop of Riley & Son (E) Ltd. It has now completed last phases of the painstaking £4.2m project to bring the legend back to life, resplendent in its BR green livery in its guise as 60103.

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Have tickets for sunday, but will be in the tin top as i,m taking my parents

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Hi Neptune.


I will watch out for you. 


I will be wearing a blue jacket and I will be with a lass with long legs.


I also have a missing front tooth like a pirate.


If you see me, come and say hello.


What time is your trip.

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Hopefully you'll be easy to spot in the crowds!! Our trip is 9.30

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We are 9.30am also.


Coach B, seat 17.


It should be a great day and looking forward to it.


Wooooo Woooooo.

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Well we went today to mooch around the moors and watch the train from various locations. We will be going tomorrow to ride on the train itself.


Here is a video I took.


This was my first go to film something properly from my drone. I struggled to see the screen because of the sun and I also did not realise that there was some dew on my camera lens.


I also need to play with the settings of the camera as the settings are straight out of the box.


I will try again tomorrow but I hope you like the train anyway.



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thats really awesome footage and I am really suprised with the stability, I have flown rc helis and would never have hought that sort of platform (pun intended) was available , clarity and stability were really good. I guess I may have a look at this drone thing :)

Anyways thanks for posting as I enjoy steam locos, stood about 30 feet under the star of africa when she did a trip up here,  it was a great spot as we could see her coming round a long curve onto a girder bridge above us and then open up as she dissapeared through a cutting on the other side.

Enjoy your trip tommorow :)   (a wee bit envious) 

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Hi Gary.


Thanks for the nice comments.


Had a great day walking over the moors today and the NYMR is a a lovely route to travel on.


We waited over an hour in one spot, the train came and I thought I had some brilliant footage until I landed the aircraft and found out that I had not pressed the record button.  :down:


We enjoy war weekend where they turn the railway into WW2.


I hope to bring the drone up to Scotland in June so you can have a go if we meet up.

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