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Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

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Last year we had our Christmas Day out in Buttercup and we our dinner out of a tin by a river and we had a great time.


We had beef stew and dumplings out of a tin and chocolate sponge and chocolate custard cooked in river water. We even took logs to make a log fire.


This year we are unable to go on Christmas day so I wondered if anyone fancied a drive out on Saturday 21st November to have an outdoor, Westfield Christmas dinner.


I just thought it would be a bit of fun and we can have log fires again, Christmas music and I hope to take a tree and baubles this year.


The day will be what we make of it.


Does anyone fancy this.


Glaisdale where we went last year is near Whitby and I am happy to meet people at York so we can have a nice drive before arriving at Glaisdale.


In the post below are a few pictures from last year.


The foody pictures start about 2 minutes in.

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Sounds a great idea, though you might find people hanging back from committing until the last moment, so that they can check weather forecasts .

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Morning Dave.


To be perfectly honest I expected little response but thought I would give it a go.


I understand because of where I am it may be far out for some people but thought it might be fun as when I have taken people on the route before they have really enjoyed it.... it has mostly been in summer though.


What is handy about Glaisdale is there is a viaduct you can park under and you could easily get 10 Westfield's under the arches plus you are sheltered under the railway bridge to eat your food.


We picnic here a lot in Buttercup and its really lovely.


Would like to make it a real Christmas dinner with music, a log fire, a tree, presents.....might only be from the pound shop but a present is a present :t-up: and obviously food.


Even though there was only two of us last year we had a great day and Carol really enjoyed herself and a lot of it was in the planning and going out and finding things to take. We made a few mistakes but really had a lot of fun.



I would propose to meet at the Highwayman café on the A64 at York, drive over to Scarborough for a cup of tea and toilet stop on the sea front.  Head up to Whitby for fuel and Sandsend for a toilet stop which is right by the sea and then over to Glaisdale for the picnic. From here we will head over to Rosedale Chimney which is Britain's steepest road with lovely views at the top and a couple of nice hairpin bends at the bottom. Would then head over Hutton Le hole for a drink and toilet stop in a lovely country Inn before heading home. 


I am more than happy to lead people back to the Highwayman Café. 


Here is a link to a supplier of self heating meals and there are plenty of others and they are very tasty.




Rough times would be as follows.


Meet at York 9.00am.


Scarborough for drink stop 10.00am. Sandsend for toilet stop 12.00 noon. Glaisdale for picnic 12.45 to 1.00pm. Leave Glasidale when everyone wants to basically. 

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Christmas tree and lights bought and paid for.


First post also updated to provide a date when we will be going.

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Not sire yet usually have to wait on weather conditions with having no protection. Cars taxed to go most winters... This year I am doing some mods (top secret till done) but if its dry

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Well this arrived today.


I am not going to use the lights that are on the tree.


I have bought a couple of packs of battery powered lights.


Carol had forgone the hotcans and has bought some baking trays to hover over the log fire and is taking a pan of home made stew to heat up instead. :t-up:


I have also ordered a Santa wig and beard to wear. :d




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Just checked the super, super long range forecast and it says that because Glaisdale is the centre of the universe, glorious sunshine will reign supreme................

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I am surprised that I have had zero interest in this apart from Tex.


I know I live on the coast but I would have thought someone would have been up for this based on comments I have had over the past year.




Is this totally the wrong kind of thing that people are up for or would a change of place help.

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Here is the proposed route, to and from the Highwayman café at York.


It may deviate slightly but will be roughly this route.



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