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They have removed the ego from the car...




(No 'I' in constabulary) :d

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A police officer operating a radar gun on the bridge informs his college to pull over the guy in the green focus. When pulled over the other police orificer asks all the questions about who owns the car, did he know he was doing 5 mph over speed limit etc. finally he asks what the guy does for a living. The guy replys that he is a anal stretcher. The police man looks at him and curiously asks what that is. The man explains sometimes it I neccessary to make some anuses bigger for them to work correctly. He goes on to explain with gloves on first puts one finger in and waits for the bottom to relax and then adds 2 and so on. It's a lengthy process of training for the anus taking months to train, until in some cases it is nearly 6 foot . The police man was totally amazed and said he had absolutely no idea about this, and further enquired what would one do with a 6 foot anus. The guy quickly responded and said.... Put it on a bridge with a radar gun.... :). Sorry any police folk who read that it's just a joke :)

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