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Air compressor prank


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As shown on Clarkson's recent "Have I Got News For You"






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Typical!  ???




Oh yes, and dangerous too... Any messing with compressed gases is very risky.

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i used to like putting a bit of dry ice in an eppendorf tube. you can then clip the lid and leave it next to your unsuspecting victim on their lab bench. an escalation is liquid nitrogen in 50ml universal tube, or liquid nitrogen in a 2L pop bottle but this one ususally required a canal.

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The old electronics/repair workshop prank used to be charging a chunky big capacitor up, waiting till someone was concentrating on something else and shout catch! Soon as they looked up, lob it at them for an easy catch. Most would catch them by reflex, usually getting a buzz as they shorted the contacts.


The other favourite was zapping people with Mega's. 


Probably a a good job no one had week hearts...

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When I was a kid in metal shop, our prank when we got bored was to put a Styrofoam cup upside down on the metal workbench and fill it with the gas from the welding torch, then wait for someone to walk by and heat the underneath side of the metal bench with the welding torch right under the cup.  After a few seconds, BLAM! exploding Styrofoam cup.  Made people jump out of their skins.


As did chucking a bullet or shotgun shell into the blast furnace and shutting the door.  Or putting rolls of caps from a toy gun through the sheet metal rollers, turning it into a Gatling gun.


Stupid stunts, but happy days. :d

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Boiling tube with potassium permanganate in and an ignition tube with glycerol inside resting on the top of the crystals. Using a chunky burner you then seal the top of the boiling tube making an hermetic seal. Place the device on the floor and make sure the glycerol runs out of the ignition tube on to the potassium permanganate crystals. Retire to a very safe distance and wait...



Bleedin' great bang and shards of glass everywhere some minutes later. :o

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4 inch length of steel tube tapped and capped both ends,  hole drilled for length of jetex fuse , filled with rolled up newspaper that had been previously soaked in solution of sodium chlorate  (weed killer) 


light the fuse and run like hell  for cover   :ph34r:

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4 inch length of steel tube tapped and capped both ends,  hole drilled for length of jetex fuse , filled with rolled up newspaper that had been previously soaked in solution of sodium chlorate  (weed killer) 


light the fuse and run like hell  for cover   :ph34r:

you are a worrying man.

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Get old steering rack, weld up one end fill with weed killer ( before they made it slow burn) .. Put a ball bearing in it and point it at an old Avenger bonnet. You would not imagine the noise or the size of the "exit" wound on the bonnet . Not sure what I really learned on my mechanics training course , but that's what I remember

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