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Main coons


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Anyone got a main coon and wants a bag of royal canin main coon food for it?

I have most of a 4kg bag going spare after my lovely 14month old mungo got run over. Must have no more that 3 bowls worth taken out of it.

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Really, really sorry to hear that...

Magnificent cats, proper good size and make cracking pets.

My siberian died a few months back and he was a big cat, so if he still about I woud have took you up on it.

How far are you from Evesham? The Cats Protection place are always on the look out for food donations.

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Anyone got a main coon and wants a bag of royal canin main coon food for it?

I have most of a 4kg bag going spare after my lovely 14month old mungo got run over. Must have no more that 3 bowls worth taken out of it.


Hell's teeth Dom, you are having a streak of bad luck, so sorry to hear about that, my sympathies good sir. :(

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Hell's teeth Dom, you are having a streak of bad luck, so sorry to hear about that, my sympathies good sir. :(


no ****! :) this year is getting to be a P.G Woodhouse farce. some days I wonder if its worth getting up.. like monday untill some hairy :arse: contractor appeared at my bedroom window at 8am!. her indoors has said its getting comical. there is not one thing that I have/have done in the last 8 months that hasn't gone wrong some how. no area of my life is immune :d (cars/jobs/hobbies etc), just my health and that's questionable at the moment as i have a small niggle after the 

uvulopalaopharyngoplasty i had in Aug and I cant walk properly due a back problem.


still I went to Birmingham City university for an interview yesterday and didn't get ran off the road by maniacal motorists ( :getmecoat: ) so there is a blessing  :laugh:  :laugh: 



Really, really sorry to hear that...

Magnificent cats, proper good size and make cracking pets.

My siberian died a few months back and he was a big cat, so if he still about I woud have took you up on it.

How far are you from Evesham? The Cats Protection place are always on the look out for food donations.


yeah its sad. he was just under 14months old (i had him for 11) an 5.5kg. bigger than a small dog and no where near the size he should have been. where other cat had to jump up onto stuff like the sofa he just stepped up! poor thing didnt get much chance at life. he had feline asthma (i had an inhaler for him.... now that was funny to administer) and an ongoing issue with calicivirus which we had just got under control after 2K worth of scans etc. (he had an extended CAT scan... all puns have been made). I had to fight petplan to pay out but they did in the end. but despite this he was a big softie


I did consider giving it to a place but the bag is open and this food is specially formulated for main coon's. the size of the kibble is much larger (almost as big as dog food) its hilarious watching our other cat fatty trying to eat one.

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I am really sorry you lost your cat as I love cats and had 5 at one time.

I couldn't help but laugh though... You just cannot call a cat "Fatty"

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I couldn't help but laugh though... You just cannot call a cat "Fatty"


Oh yes you can, that was Kofi's unofficial house name...


And Maine Coons can reach 10kg..!


Out of respect to Dom, I wont go posting pics, but in his prime Kofi was 6.8kg (not fat, just furry he used to insist...) and having that land on your shoulders when he used to jump off the upstairs landing was quite a shock...


Siberians are known for being good at jumping, several times we found him on top of the fridge freezer with no possible mid way points. He just bounced up there.


When his kidneys gave way and the slow decline started it was really quite sad watching him fade away till we had him put down.

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I am really sorry and can understand how bad it feels as had to do a similar thing.

I did Google and read adout the cats today and WOW. That are a beautiful animal and so big.

Let the good memories outweigh the difficult ones.

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you can post pics i don't mind at all. i would post a pic of mungo but i don't really have that many.


fatty is called fatty because she is a british short hair who by definition are fat and cushionlike her real name is snark but most just call her fatty. mungo was a pure breed pedigree who's official name was charlie. but we called him mungo..... or Gordon.


main coons were supposed to be intelligent but mungo was more than a picknick basket short. he did chirup a lot. his parents were majestic both over 9Kg so he was destined to be big. his tail was massive and his fur was a but ragedy as he didnt learn to clean himself properly and got really knotted so we had to cut aload off him. Interestingly the breed develops slower than normal cats and you could see it in him. at 6 months his balance was crap like he couldn't figure out what to do with his big legs


a pic off my phone about a month ago


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you can post pics i don't mind at all. i would post a pic of mungo but i don't really have that many.


fatty is called fatty because she is a british short hair who by definition are fat and cushionlike her real name is snark but most just call her fatty. mungo was a pure breed pedigree who's official name was charlie. but we called him mungo..... or Gordon.


main coons were supposed to be intelligent but mungo was more than a picknick basket short. he did chirup a lot. his parents were majestic both over 9Kg so he was destined to be big. his tail was massive and his fur was a but ragedy as he didnt learn to clean himself properly and got really knotted so we had to cut aload off him. Interestingly the breed develops slower than normal cats and you could see it in him. at 6 months his balance was crap like he couldn't figure out what to do with his big legs


a pic off my phone about a month ago



You wouldn't believe this but I am sat here crying my eyes out at how you have written that above.


I love the names but calling a cat "fatty" is .... well just sounds great for a cat.


I loved all my cats and had such fantastic times and you have brought back some great memories of fun.


Love the picture.


I need to go get some tissues.

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And 'Yes' I am a "mad old cat woman who clogs up the internet with cat pics..."


He was a big old boy...


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So sorry to hear this. Had 7 MCs at one time myself. Only got one old girl left now, but we do have 3 new Norwegian Forest Cat kittens.


Chilled Luna

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Awe lovely cats mungos mum was bigger than that, he was destined to be huge I think.

Chris ill send you the food if you want it. It's practically untouched in the ziplock bag it comes in. Fatty won't touch it as its too big.

I think I'm done with cats for now. I can't have another go like this. Zappy was run over on one road last August bank holiday and mungo this year. One of the neighbour cats was done in the same spot pretty much as mungo. It's just too dangerous here. At least slug (aka fatty) is far too dim to do much and never goes out for long or far

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I do feel for you Dom. It's so upsetting. Back where we used to live, we had some bother with a neighbour so caged the (small) back garden. At first, the cats hated it and we a had a few escapes, but they got used to it. Pros and cons of course. Biggest con was restricting them, but biggest pro was knowing they were safe. Since we moved, we have a much bigger garden and to prove just how mad cat people we are, when we decided to get the NFC kittens, we fenced almost all the back garden to keep them in. Time will tell if it works of course, but at least they have a decent sized space to explore and play in.

Lacking a more worthy recipient, yes please, we can certainly use the food for ours. I'll PM you and sort out the details. I will pay the postage though!

The NFCs tend to be similar in size to typical MCs, the silver girl in the picture is just short of 6 months old and is just shy of 3.5kg. The other two are much smaller at about 2.5kg. They have the same dad but different mums. Don't know if it's a thing or not, but the silver MC we had was the biggest, closely followed by a brown tabby. So far at least, our silver NFC is winning the size race.

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mungo went nuts weight wise, we were in the vets regulaly for a month and in the space of a week he put on over 1/2 kg. he rammed himself in a tiney gap under the tv to get behind it 2 months later he couldnt get under!


pm me your address and ill get it in the post dont worry about the cost i good to remember mungo on a good note and doing stuff like this always helps.


those NFC look beautiful, maybe one day when i live somewhere safer. we live in the middle of gentrified old victorian mansions so lots of flats and big old overgrown gardens, no way to cage.

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1/2kg in a week? Strewth!  Was impressed when our silver girl put on 200g.


PM sent.


The NFC are really very similar to the MC. We swapped back & forth between thinking MC or NFC earlier this year when trying to decide on which kittens to go for. In the end, we met assorted breeders at a few shows and went with the people we liked the best. All the cats are lovely so we knew we'd be happy either way.

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