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Yorkshire Area Meeting

Robin Parker (Red Spider) - Yorkshire AO

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I think this could be my first "official" post.

It's the Yorkshire area meeting on Tuesday 6th October at the Fox and Grapes on the A64 near to Barwick in Elmet.

This could be Martin van Zellers last meeting before he heads over to Norfolk. Be there if you can.

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Not a meeting to be missed, your first and Martin's last, we will be coming to give Van Zee a big goodbye kiss.


I will fetch my camera, should be a good party!

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I will be there Robin, good luck with the new role, they are mighty big boots to fill :-) im sure you'll do good.

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see you there

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Julie yes - Glenn no thanks  :laugh:

Hey Martin, don't knock what you haven't tried, Glen is a very caring chap!

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A small reminder for tomorrow night.

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And I have just wrapped your leaving present up  :p  :p so don't think you can get away lightly VZ

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Thanks for a pleasant evening all, a chance to wish MVZ goodbye and good luck, wishes to Robin in his new guise as Yorkshire AO and congratulate John Hoyle on his speed series result championship win.

Superb light show courtesy of the lightening on way up, and got lost in the fog dropping Shaggydoo off at home.

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Well what can I say - over 30 members at the meeting last night - all rather overwhelming.  Also a kind letter from the Chair read out in public, a feather duster from Julie and Glen for de-cobwebbing my Westy (Glen got his kiss!!) and a Morrisons carrier which contained:

  • A dialect tea towel (handy for understanding Tricky!)
  • A Yorkshire flag
  • Yorkshire Lad shower gel from the Yorkshre Soap Company
  • Yorkshire pudding mix
  • Some rhubarb from the Rhubarb Triangle Farm Shop
  • Authentic Pontefract Cakes
  • A packet of ginger crunch creams
  • A bottle of Old Peculier
  • A packet of Yorkshire Mixtures (so good for my diabetes!)
  • A jar of my very favourite Rhubarb and Ginger Preserve also from the Rhubarb Triangle Farm Shop
  • Bradwell's Book of Yorkshire Wit and Humour (also good for understanding Tricky!)
  • A packet of Yorkshire Teabags, and finally
  • Six bottles of Pennine Vale still water.

What can I say  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:


A great big thank you to all my Yorkshire Area mates for these generous presents, their great company and best wishes of good luck in our new adventures in North Norfolk.



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Thanks for a pleasant evening all, a chance to wish MVZ goodbye and good luck, wishes to Robin in his new guise as Yorkshire AO and congratulate John Hoyle on his speed series result championship win.

Superb light show courtesy of the lightening on way up, and got lost in the fog dropping Shaggydoo off at home.

Awww bless ya. The car sounded nice as you left:-)
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Sorry I couldn't be there Martin.

I hope Shaggydoo passed on the BIG hug :d


Hopefully catch up at a meet before you head to the flatlands.

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