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Went out for breakfast.

Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

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Well today we went out for a breakfast run.


We went into Scarborough and the place was deserted and it was fantastic.


There was only the sound of Buttercup and Robs Westfield and the chip stealing, squarking gulls.


We had a drive onto the harbour and watched the fishing boats and also the inshore lifeboat that looked like it was having an early morning practice.


It was a brilliant morning for the RNLI lads as the sea was flat calm and it was also such a beautiful blue.


We stopped at my favourite beach café "Oasis" and it is a mecca for bikers so if you like bikes, then that's where to head for.


We had our milky coffees and hot sandwiches before heading up the coast.


We went on a few back roads rather than the main road and it was as though were the only people up and about. [ unless we scared everyone away with the thunderous roar of our machines. :d ]


We headed for Boggle Hole and I would strongly advise that if you do not like reversing then you don't go down the hill. it is like a 1 in 4 hill and once you are down at the bottom then the only back is to reverse up as you cannot turn your car round.


Then it was up to Whitby for a pose and onto Sandsend for a toilet break and a coffee on the beach.


As we went through Whitby, there was a man who I would certainly call "drunk" and when he saw us coming down the road he stood up on the pavement and gave us all the biggest smiles and thumbs up.....bless him, he looked so happy to see us.


When we arrived in Sandsend I pulled up next to a waste bin and Bloomin Rob said that is where poor Buttercup belonged.....In the bin. I just do not know where Rob has acquired all this petty jealousy from..............I think it may have something to do with the lady who stopped to chat with us and she suddenly blurted out " oh look at that. I would have the yellow one rather than the orange one." :d  :d :d  :d


Once we had our skinny lattes it was over to Grosmont where we saw the steam train " Sir Nigel Gresley" pulling into the station. 


From here it was over to Glaisdale for a wee in the bushes and to admire the river from Beggars Bridge.


Next it was over the moors to Castleton before we headed in a homeward direction.


At the top of Rosedale Chimney we pulled into the pub on top of the hill and it was heaving with people. We went inside and then found out why....the food looked fantastic and there must have been 150 people all eating their dinners. It is somewhere I will definitely go and the menu looked to be price around £12.00 as an average price. We were going to stop for more coffee's but as the place was so busy we decided against it. As we came into the carpark, two white, Carver motorcycles came bay and they looked brilliant in their white colour. These are the bikes that were on top gear and they really tilt and lean right over.


And that was the end of our day. Out for breakfast and home for dinner.


here are a few pictures of the morning. I hope you like them.












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Lovely pictures, the summery orange and yellow cars on the beach would make a nice calendar picture for mid summer. 

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