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Fire up the Westie!


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Yesterday, about 8pm was another milestone in the engine swap and general upgrade of my old SE.


After waiting for the hosetails for the fuel pump to arrive and sort out the wiring for the live feed, we finally connected the battery and nervously pressed the starter button !


After a couple of slow turns, due to the high compression, it burst into life, then cut, and then another few turns from the starter and she was firing .  Remarkably , a smooth idle was achieved quite quickly and then I sat back for a little while to enjoy the sensations produced by the new powerplant..


The titanium exhaust wrap steamed away, but more concerning were a couple of coolant leaks where hoses joined the block etc, some tightening or replacements due there.


Blips of the throttle produced a muted roar, enhanced by the Webers no doubt,  and  more impressive than on the old 1600.


So now a period of testing to shakedown the new systems and then we're on the road next week if all goes well.

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It's a great looking car and now will have the performance to match  :)


(Don't forget to tell DVLA and your insurers about the swap)

Don't reckon on Dvla getting it right, just got my v5 back with my updated engine details and guess what, it's all exactly as it was no change of details whatsoever!

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That's a fine looking Westfield! With possibly the most unusual mirror "solution" I've ever seen.  :d 

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Thankyou all for your kind comments.    The "interesting mirror solution"  was brought about by problems I had with using mirrors and quite large wind deflectors.


Don't know whether it's just me or not, but when looking in the mirrors I always found the  angles and bends in the perspex deflectors created annoying interference in rear view vision.

So decided to modify existing mirrors using quite large motorcycle mirrors which are now postioned outside the field of view through the deflectors. 


The result is an excellent,  clear and unobstructed rear view,  in fact I now usually rely on the driver's side mirror on it's own, rather than use the windscreen mounted mirror.


However, it looks a little like "eyes on stalks" sometimes,  but it works for me!

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