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Tally Ho Classic Car Run WW2 airfields of Lincolnshire Sun 16th Aug

Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

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Meet at Dobbies Garden Centre S43 4XN, near junction 30 M1 on Sunday 16th August for an organised run out with around 50 classic cars. The drivers briefing is at 9.15 am, followed by breakfast for the driver and navigator.


The route will take you around the World War 2 airfields of Lincolnshire with points of interest included in the Tulip route book. Half way stop is at RAF Metheringham where a Provost Jet Engine will be started for us, before photographing you and your car in front of it.


The finish is at Cresswell Crags, near M1 junction 30, where a cream tea for 2 is provided. At all stops marshals will guide you to the appropriate parking place.


The cost is £35 per car of two people and spaces are limited. I need to know by the end of Friday 14th August (after the weekend weather report) who is coming so I can book us on. Pay cash on the day.




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Hi Julie,

If time permits, I can recommend East Kirkby museum, where Just Jane (Lancaster Bomber) is. Great to hear those merlin engines roar into life! This museum has personal value to me as my dad was stationed there!

Wood hall Spa and Coningsby are worth a visit too!


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We are up for this as the cream tea and cakes were great on the last one!

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We go past the following RAF places











and the memorials at both Woodhall Spa and Brant Broughton. Your dad would no doubt know of them all and have stories to tell.



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Gearbox back in..tested and ok so far :yes:  

We (the older and younger Little) will join you if that's Ok.


weather looks OK  :)

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That's great Trevor. I will bring the ECU, wiring loom and sensors for you too.


It will be an unusual one because Glen is driving  :cry:. I have been demoted to chief navigator so you and Martyn will simply have to follow us. 


I'm off now, it will take a while for me to come to terms with being a passenger  :no:

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Yes please.


Looking forward to it.


I know you are not organising the route, but in Woodhall Spa (about 5 minutes from where I live) if anybody has spare time, the roundabout in The Petwood Hotels car park is made from one of the last remaining fragments of a bouncing bomb. The Petwood was the mess for the 617 squadron (Dambusters) and there is a room / bar with lots of memorabilia.


Can we follow too?


New navigator this time - Rob - no idea about his navigation skills but he is a good laugh.




PS Can you confirm we have a place in the 'limited numbers'. Thanks. ABC

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Andrew, it is getting interesting already with your little story. The TULIP route book points out interesting places so the hotel may be part of the day.


I have been allowed to reserve 5 places, so after you, there is only one place left.


Look forward to seeing you again.



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Sounds Good, 


On my way back to the UK so Emma and I will happily be the 5th; weather looks good. 


Nothing like fresh air to get over jet lag. 


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That's great Trevor. I will bring the ECU, wiring loom and sensors for you too.


It will be an unusual one because Glen is driving  :cry:. I have been demoted to chief navigator so you and Martyn will simply have to follow us. 


I'm off now, it will take a while for me to come to terms with being a passenger  :no:

Glen Driving: The released rabbit! ???. Should we expect doughnuts and squeeling tyres on most corners.

ECU good idea..thanks. I will bring a bag

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All 5 places have now been taken so I cannot accept anyone else on this event, thank you to all for your support and enthusiasm. I have just submitted all our names and registration numbers. I am taking a peek at the route and ought to let you know that extra to the £35 entry fee we will also need 40p for the Toll bridge. Other than that we look forward to seeing you on Sunday for a great day of fun.


Trevor, Glen does like the analogy between him and a rabbit! and I am sure he will behave himself amongst the classic cars.

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Lots of laughs as usual with Trevors son Morgan Oliver or any other name you want to dream up, Julie doing a naughty disappearing act in the museum (Glen, keep tabs on your wife), Emma's traumatic navigation moment and Rob, car number 69! with his sex shop fetish, who went on to win a cuddly toy sheep and a health check on the raffle. So get them in the right order Rob, it's the sheep first, then you have the health check. We wont be inviting you again though if you keep taking all the raffle prizes. Hurry up and buy a Westfield, life will never be quite the same again.


We met at Dobbies Garden Centre for breakfast and a drivers briefing, there were 70 cars there in total, all leaving at 1 minute intervals, except us of course, we were allowed to leave in our usual club convoy.




There were some decent bends, normally at the end of a long straight road, all of it was flat (not sure I like flat)




We went past many memorials like this one




Pretty rivers and canals like this one




Hilarious signs like this one. MartynV, your reputation precedes you!  'Martin Please Drive Slowly' that means 30.



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Our route took us along the runway at RAF Metheringham before stopping there for lunch.




We all had our photo taken as we arrived, in front of the Provost Jet Engine, a copy of which, later, was waiting on our windscreen to take home, excellent organisation.





The engine was started up for us and it knocked your socks off I can tell you. I will put a film of it on later but I missed filming the best bit when the engine really got going and they moved it forward. If anyone has that footage please add it on.


After a short talk there was plenty of time to walk around the museum, wasn't there? Whoops, sorry.






Did they drive Westfields in the war?




Are you jealous of this dashboard?




After the lunch stop we went for some food as we were all starving.

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We went off the route for food and as Emma knew the area she navigated for a short, fast, frantic section, with sparks! which gave me an opportunity to photograph a new member to the Peak District Area, yes another Monster Minion!!




We passsed many WW2 airfields like this one




With us back in the lead this was the convoy behind




We encountered grass in the middle of the road, just to keep it interesting




We went through lots of pretty villages like this one




We arrived at Cresswell Crags for a cream tea, well more tea than cream actually, unless your name is Andrew or Rob  :d and that was it, a great day was had by all. Thank you to everyone for coming, it just isn't the same on your own, even if there are 65 classic cars there too. 

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The starting of the Provost Jet Engine. I think the microphone on my camera is a bit wonky as the noise was constant.



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