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Cat and Fiddle, The Square Route of Buxton, Sat 8th August

Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

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Yes Tamworth services 8am sorry for the delay been out any problems text me on 07966604176

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Meeting at The Cat and Fiddle pub high above Buxton were Martyn and Sue, all the way from Hinkley was Rob(rjc4176) and Owen, Dave Eastwood, Mark and Jon (6carjon).




The pub




We also met Martin who was out to walk the dog and just happened to meet us, he was in his Insigna but will soon be in a Westfield. With all the motorbikes wizzing around Sue was loving the scenery. After teas and a tyre kick we set off in the direction of Whaley Bridge and a good bit of switch back road.









Then we headed west towards Macclesfield, down and round before twisting back upwards on to the high ground again.



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That landed us at the Peak View Tea Rooms for lunch, well more like breakfast really. The eagle-eyed can spot where cars are parked.








I love meeting new people and most of the people that came today were new to me. Everyone has an interesting car with lots of stories to tell about it. The driving was, erm, good! but the company is by far the key ingredient to a good day.


Mark had some packing to do and had to leave us here




and Jon had to leave too




Rob and Owen set off on their 80 mile journey back home, leaving the rest of us to buzz over to Rudyard Lake for cake and ice cream. Glen and I took a new route home via Wincle and I managed to find my second wet cow pat of the day. Then, oh dear, Tricky had texted me an invite to go with him and MattyCatty to Blyton tomorrow. I just can't say no, I tried but I have to go, come on Glen, set the alarm.


Next Sunday is the Tally Ho run with the classic cars around the WW2 airfields of Lincoln, see the separate posting for details. Thank you everybody for making it a great day and we hope to see you all again soon.

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Great day with some familiar roads, and some new roads, it made a great loop. Excellent stops too and some impressive weather booking!

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Thanks Julie for organising it and good to meet old and new friends. Also apologies to Mark who won't follow me again as I gassed him with fumes on acceleration.....

Good route to repeat early morning without the inevitable tractors, lorries and sight seeing vehicles. Plenty of opportunity to enjoy the view and wonderful weather which I seldom do. Good to meet all of you.

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Had a great day nice to speak to some new faces thanks

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