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Finally a pic of my new car!


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Absolutely delighted! Used to be a biker and fancied another one but all the ladies in my life did NOT like the idea, so..........i got the next best thing! Already hooked, can't help but smile driving it

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Hi m8. Nice car, hope you can join us on one of our blats. Next big one is hopefully the 16th of this month

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Where is the run on the 16th? I'm based in South West Scotland?

Hi Dave, if you regularly visit the Events page, I post up details of blats that we go on and other events. Some of the other guys also post up details of track events so it's a very useful page to visit. Here's the next run: http://forum.wscc.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic/115344-clan-mcwesty-oban-run-16th-august-2015/


PM me your email address and contact number and I'll stick you on the regional mailing list :t-up:  

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Think of it as a 4 wheeled motorbike and happy motoring.

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Welcome Dave and car looks good!

Not only is there a run on the 16th but a few of us will be up at Knockhill this weekend on track if you fancy coming up. Session on the Saturday evening (6 - 8pm), then some of the other guys are doing the full day on Sunday.

We're also planning a stand at the Boness Hillclimb event on 6th September.

Look forward to meeting up sometime - it's always good to see another Westie coming north of the border!


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