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Thank you to the Blyton Team

John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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I only attend a few meets and leave posting on the forum to my geeky Onliestsmeg, but felt I really wanted and needed to say thank you to so many people for making this weekend so brilliant.

As an Events Manager I was really impressed with the organisation of it all, but what I felt was so special is that everyone I met was friendly and extremely encouraging. Although initially I was quite apprehensive, I thoroughly enjoyed the Track day and didn't want to give the car back and even wanted to race on Saturday and Sunday! So thanks to Onliestsmeg for letting me hijack the car (and being brave enough to get in with me...that's love!) thanks everyone who was patient on the track whilst us novices had a go (great idea) and thanks to Adam for the instruction it helped immensely.


Panda's encouragement to get involved and take on roles over the weekend meant I really got a chance to understand what was going on and got a great view from the Control Room and spend time with and learn from the lovely John (Race Controller) and Jane Algar.


I met loads of fantastic and inspirational people, including Emma in the lotus who was gutsy and after a bit of sticking up and new wheels got straight back out there, and of course Nick with his record breaking runs...so glad I was there to see those.


So thank you to everyone - Panda the organiser and team, participants and supporters, the venue hosts (and catering ladies of course) who all worked together to make this an absolutely fantastic weekend.




PS Thanks for the Vodka Gummi bears Phil  :p x


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great event :t-up:  well done everyone involved in making this event happen :t-up:

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Couldn't agree more with everything that's been said before. A massive "Thank You" to John and his team of panda cubs for a wicked weekend.

My only comment is, why do we only do this ONCE A YEAR when everyone enjoys it sooooo much ?

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Well done everyone


Great weekend.



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Couldn't agree more with everything that's been said before. A massive "Thank You" to John and his team of panda cubs for a wicked weekend.

My only comment is, why do we only do this ONCE A YEAR when everyone enjoys it sooooo much ?

Agree, any room for another? Even if it's a different venue? It's just soooo good!

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There are lots of events for us we just need more competitors to join in with the "regulars" For example Ty Croes, Anglesey is well supported by the Westfield circus in September and October so lets have more entries for them! Its a great venue next to the sea and has 2 track layouts that we use on Sat/Sun, good cafe/bar and free camping etc

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Well done to everyone involved but especially John for taking over the big shoes. Perhaps we should call you Cinderalla from now on as they seemed to fit perfectly :)


Also thank you to Nigel (paddock marshal) whom I hear saw off suspected gippo / traveller / tax dodger / pikey * types on Saturday to everyone's delight ( * please delete as appropriate to make politically correct)

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Yes Nigel was very firm with them

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A Big  THANK YOU to all involved in making the weekend so enjoyable! Especially to John for heading up the team and Richard for operating such a good venue/facilities.


Great to meet so many people passionate about Westfields.





Looking forward to next year! :d 

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Looking forward to next year! :d 


8/9/10th July ;)

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Hi Panda and the team


You did an absolutely great job throughout the whole weekend it was fantastic!


Well done!


I didn't hear about the traveller problem but a special well done to Nigel as sometimes when confronted they can be very awkward!


I have a years supply of plastic lamb shanks to eat between now and next July! 


A mention to Alan Smith also who makes the official side of the event so easy, approachable and trouble free!


Thank you to you all


Best wishes


Gluten Free

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Can I suggest that Alan Smith get a complentary invite to the Awards Night?

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Agree, any room for another? Even if it's a different venue? It's just soooo good!


It actually took a lot more planning than I expected and personally with the systems we have I think I could only manage 1 big weekend  rather than 2 x 1day/weekends..


One comment that was made is that if the SS guys want more helpers etc, we shouldn't be strangers and we should reciprocate and give non SS events some promotion.

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Many thanks to all the "back room" staff and to fellow competitors for making Blyton 2015 a hugely enjoyable weekend.  

(and it would be great to see Alan at the Awards Night)


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