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Be careful what you post anywhere

jeff oakley

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...mind you, that really is one of my favourite local(ish) roads - used to blat up there on bikes pretty much every sunny weekend in my 20's - know a few people crippled on it though and been very lucky when I was young and stupid.


Will be up there in the Westy at the next opportunity, but with a slightly more mature head on my shoulders - and defo more mature than the pro drifter dude.

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Rather tangential to the main point, but surely only the Mail Online could report: "Onlookers filmed as he took at least two sharp bends at high speed, with a passenger sat alongside him causing skid marks across the road"!

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I do hope they can close this road for hillclimbing in future. Would make a superb event.

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Mis-reporting...9 months suspended for 2 years.

Anyway, he's a grown up and if he posts up a vid like this, he deserves everything coming to him!!

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As if we needed further proof that this is the Big Brother Age

WATCH: Chester man is sentenced after filming himself driving at breakneck speed

9 months in prison  :swear:


If every video was like that, i'm not sure how they could possibly determine what speed he was doing and on what roads..................

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If every video was like that, i'm not sure how they could possibly determine what speed he was doing and on what roads..................

But they can see he's using a mobile phone.

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He'se obviously a numpty !








there are far better roads round there than the B5130  :)

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No time for these idiots. No problem with the driving as I didn't see the actual conditions and other users, although the passenger may have been be a bit fearful for his safety, not a comfortable ride. Ego bigger than his intelligence I'm afraid. 


Would have been far cheaper in terms of time, money and reputation to have booked himself on a few trackdays if he wants to race but suspect it was purely to frighten his mate and boost his ego. Amazing how some people turn into nutters behind the wheel, for example the guy who just murdered the 79 year old after a small bump yesterday. Sad.


Bob :(

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i suspect we've perhaps all at some time taken a passenger for a ride, and though it feels slow to us, (who know what to expect), have perhaps pushed the braking just late and hard enough to give them a scare, and accelerated, cornered just hard enough to do the same. Call it the roller coaster scare, if you like, the scream while giggling sort of thing...


BUT, there's a big difference from just pressing on a little, getting someones adrenaline going in a fun theme Park manor, and what this guy appeared to do to his passenger. I'm sorry, but the moment you start producing that sort of blind terror in someone you've well and truely crossed a line, EVEN on a track, where you were safe, you'd have gone to far.


I've got out of cars where drivers have been less of a dangler than that before now. I suspect if someone tried that on me, they'd be looking at their very own road rage incident, let alone dangerous driving!

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