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Be careful what you post anywhere

jeff oakley

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I read in the news about a lad who has just has a ban big fine and community service for being caught on film drifting on the Hartside pass. The facts seem to be he was there at between 4-5 am had people watching for traffic and was filmed by someone, who then posted it on facebook.


No one died, no accidents happened but someone who saw the video took his number called plod who took him to the cleaners.


There is a thread running of Pistonheads, link below, but it shows how easy it is these days to end up in trouble. People have all sorts of recording devices and in the past some have posted links to driving that is questionable in some peoples eyes, on here, we must be ultra careful I think that we do not post anything in jest that could be used by others.


What is worrying is that the police will use such footage now to pursue people where no harm has been done. So when we overtake a couple of cars in the Westfield, someone sees the footage and you must have been driving dangerously as there is no need to overtake?


You can argue if the guy was an idiot, should have kept it to the track but it does seem to be some sort of show event for the CPS and the police to go this far. Remember nothing happened, no harm done.


We have turned into a nation of do gooders who are encouraged to report on others if they see something they don't like. Isn't that what East Germany and Russia was like?



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Jeff, I agree and disagree with your comments. "No harm done"....so if I were to drive through a red light at 3am with no-one about, then it's OK?? If I post up footage of me passing cars safely then what's the issue. However if I pass others driving like a plonker, then I deserve what's coming to me, surely!

As you say....keep it for the track!

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If there is enough evidence on the video to secure a conviction, then plod are absolutely in the right.  I don't think that necessarily translates into 'any video of me overtaking' is proof of dangerous driving.  


Also 'no harm done' isn't necessarily the case either, if someone else sees it, says I can do that, and kills someone.


I feel lucky to have survived the stupidity of my youth without killing someone and carrying that burden through my life, never mind the jail time. 


'within reason, or on the track'

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This is only propagated more by the sudden drive for dash cams etc. I agree a moaning nation of do gooders and blame culture. Fed hype by an over bearing media and an over protective society where h&s rules and common sense is out if the window

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I am not saying he was right, my concern is that we are running into a world of problems with camera footage and social media being used to such effect.

Here is an example, I had a driver who was near to Aldermarston. A cyclist posted footage from his helmet cam on Youtube with the caption, FPS driver nearly killed me.

On that footage it looked awful, but when you saw the in van footage we had, the cyclist just pulled straight across the front of the van with no warning, he did well to avoid him.

When we sent him our footage he simply posted on Youtube he had had a satisfactory out come. Now as in this case, another viewer could have sent that original footage to the police and without another view our driver might have been convicted.

So when others have posted footage on here or we describe going for a "hoon" or a "blast" or some other term, we need to be aware that some will chose to see that differently than we do and it may come back to haunt us.

As I said in this case, what happened is footage was used that was posted on line, without his knowledge. The punishment does not fit the crime at all in my opinion, but due to the publicity it has raised perhaps that is what they wanted.

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Not a fan of these web pages that are designed to shame people "parking like a t#at in Peterborough" etc

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Not yet m8

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I am torn, on one level, massive lad points and by the sound of it done with suitable care and attention. On another level, hugely cockish and not something you would want people copying.

Life goes on...


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We do some set ups on drift cars at work for a well known drift team , one of their works drivers had a similar outcome in Australia when the police caught them doing it with a Lambo , must be a drift thing ! ...... yes he has no road license now either


Back to the point in hand , I completely agree with you Jeff you have to be particularly carefully nowadays even if as in your van drivers case was doing nothing wrong , I'm seeing more and more cars in when I'm testing them that have dash cams fitted and am sure perhaps in another few years most people will have them fitted . 

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Some of the behavior you see on these site wouldn't be allowed on the track

The road is for the transporting and mobility of everyone

Road tax is TAX not a way of buying extra road speed privileges

Everyone has a right to use it within the rules of the Highway Code, pedestrians, cyclists, horses, tractors and cars

I once lost 7 friends on bikes in one day by someone showing off in a car while he walked away with a ban and a fine

It's not funny or cleaver and with the police having to do home visits victims families you can see why they follow up videos like that one

Not to mention the cost of an accident to the public isn't it about 1 million for a fatal accident

He should leave that behavior for drift days on track

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Not yet m8


Haha, I think my post was a little 'open-ended'... I meant it's probably because you've seen loads of pics of your terrible parking on said sites :laugh:

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The guy is a d***. He comes round a blind bend on the wrong side of the road, broadside on, in daylight it would seem.
Can there be any argument? I don't want him on the same road as me, that is for sure!

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There's a video on Youtube showing the "Westfield experience" doing something on a closed road in Birmingham, the title of the video is something like "Idiot does donuts on Broad street in a Westfield".


I have to admit, the video initially looks exactly as it's describe, until you see the road is closed and there are spare wheels next to it.


With videos people will see what they want to see, i've posted Youtube videos before from my tintop, with people doing stupid things, nearly causing accidents and i've leant that some people will see what they want and other people will follow the pack no matter how much the facts are stacked against them.


You have to look at your video and think "if I was a troll, what would I find wrong with this?"

it's also a good idea to remove the time stamp and anything that might show an indication of speed IF you think you might have gone slightly over.

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