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Weber Carbs - aren't they just the most beautiful things...

John K

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It was obviously a ICBA day at work for me and Grizlee as he spent nearly two hours on a conference call / screen share (supplied by work...) talking me through the cut away diagrams of a Weber DCOE carb and explaining how they work.


All the venturis, float valves, NRV, jets (progression and main) etc.


Firstly it goes a very long way to explaining why he is known as a monstrous geek / anorak


Secondly I was worried I understood 50% of what he said and enjoyed the call, which says a lot about me


But Thirdly and most importantly I learned how truly beautiful a Weber carb really is...


And to think these were designed by engineers and not computers... Just amazing how many iterations they would have had to go though to get all the aspects just so...


I would go as far as to say they are more impressive than mechanical watches when you think a carb also has to deal with fluid and gas flow dynamics as well as all the mechanical stuff.


And still work at temperature, with vibration and lateral loads.


The icing on the cake - I ran to the shed to discover I have Genuine Italian Webers on Mr Grumpy. Not the Spanish jobs.




To all the folk with injection and throttle bodies - hang your heads in shame. You are all missing an opportunity to have a work of art under your bonnets..!

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On dellorto but +2

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On my bookshelf :t-up: and yes that was the price I paid for it.


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Couldn't have put it better myself  :p

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And another agreement from the Dellorto camp  :)

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BTW sorry to all the Dellorto boys for the slight Weber bias in the original post...


Been reading "How to build and Power tune Weber and Dellorto DCOE DCO/SP and DHLA carburettors 3rd edition" and I've discovered you're not quite the back water hicks I suspected you might be..!

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Prelit Steve has a lovely pair - look they were made in the 1950s - all ali and brass fittings poking out the side of his bonnet with gauze over the trumpets.

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Prelit Steve has a lovely pair


Fnark, fnark...


Bet they look the absolute dogs...

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Bet they look the absolute dogs...


They do... Old fashioned (looking) carbs on an old fashioned (looking) crossflow in an old fashioned (looking) pre-lit.

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Cheers for the compliments, struggle trying to modernise the car, but keeping the classic looks. But webers are for me the chirping on part throttle and the growling on full throttle   :d .

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