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Curborough Sprint - Incident not a shock.


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They say proper racing involves pushing car and driver to the limit - trouble is - a proper accident often follows.


I found my limit at Curborough this weekend and trashed the Electric Westfield in the process! A roll down the track plus a bit of air time means all four corners and body work destroyed - it's a mess.


The good news is I'm completely unhurt (apart from some bruising) and all the electrical systems remained intact with fail safe circuits kicking in as they were designed to do. Good result really all things considered, although it doesn't feel like it.


So that's me out for the rest of the season . 6 months effort for 2 laps - serves me right for making the car faster  :blush:. Need to sort the handling for next year - oh and slow down a bit  :).




P.S. Does any one have the contact details for the official photographer at Curborough on the 5th July?

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From our chats at the few Sprints, you met the limit of your cars handling and your ability to handle it's shortcomings.

We were all very worried when you didn't return to the paddock and it's great that your safe and sound.


It's brilliant that you've brought electricity to the track, and I'm glad you haven't ruled out a return.

Sort the handling and you won't need to slow down AND you'll probably embarrass a few of us with your times.


The photographer is emailing me proofs of my Westie, so when he does I'll pass his contact details on.


Will you still be at the awards?  should definitely win the 'Turf Trophy' with that one!

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Sorry to hear about you crash John but hope to see you out again asap

Did it all go wrong at the Molehill?

How the hell did you roll the car 

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That's bad luck John and sorry to hear about the crash.


There's some pictures from the day here , it looks pretty nasty so I'm glad to hear that you're ok.

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Those pics look horrendous and so glad you are still in one piece!


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First left after start. Span and hit a small mount on the inside of turn 1. I realized I was approaching too fast so lifted but the rear end broke away. I didn't brake at that point and there is no engine braking. Also the car seemed very tail happy during first practice as it always has. I think the 60-40 weight distribution doesn't help plus 80kg of the 460kg rear axial weight is behind the diff and high up. Car is lighter now but still weighs 760kgs including me. Could also be suspension geometry or tires (Toyo R1Rs) or pressures ... I'm open to suggestions. Need to find a solution.


Those pictures look bad - glad I wasn't watching.

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Sorry to hear about you crash John but hope to see you out again asap

Did it all go wrong at the Molehill?

How the hell did you roll the car

No Terry, he didn't make it as far as the molehill. I think he lost control on the first left hander (ie just after leaving the last marker post) and then hit the little bank on the inside of the next left hander, sideways, and rolled in the air, towards (but thankfully short of) the trees and the first righthander.

We were all in the paddock so didn't see it, but we heard it. However according to one eye witness, at one point John's head was 6 feet above the ground, in a car which was upside down, is you see what I mean.

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Glad you're ok. Looks like a nasty roller coaster ride. Hope your all fixed and back out soon

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Must learn to type faster. The photos of the car rolling only show the last roll, I believe.

I think it had already had one BIG roll before that.

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Blimey John that looked very nasty, so glad to hear your ok  :t-up:


When I heard yesterday I was SHOCKED, now I've seen the photos, WATT a ride that must have been, I'm OVERLOADED with relief you escaped unhurt mate, and all your CIRCUITS are intact. 


How was Mrs R when you gave her the news ? Did she BLOW A FUSE  :getmecoat:


In all seriousness so so pleased your ok, when you start to put a parts list together please put a CAGE at the top of that list and If I can help in anyway with the car just ask  :yes:


BTW , You are now an honorary member of a very exclusive club, one which only a very few brave men have completed the initiation test, welcome aboard  ;)  ;)  ;)

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How was Mrs R when you gave her the news ? Did she BLOW A FUSE  :getmecoat:


The Sparks were flying :)

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That looked very nasty - glad to hear you are ok.


Time to get a full cage and an earth strap.

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Hi John

I can only concur with everything that has been said above!

I bet you are a bit stiff today!

I was only joking when we spoke a few minutes before your run about going flat all the way up to the Flagpole turn!

Anyway if you are up for after dinner speaking I can find a slot on Friday night at the GF dinner!

Seriously though you would be very welcome if you need some very light relief after such an event!

Look forward to hearing of your plans for the new car (Cage Mandatory)

Very Best Regards

G Free

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New roll cage and new Hans Helmet are at the top of parts list !!!!!!

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