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Blyton run out and show'n shine on Saturday 11 July

Rory's Dad

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You know this Blyton thingy – it’s a Speed Series weekend event and a trackday on the Friday – right??  Actually it’s all that and more.  On the Saturday morning there will be a run out followed by a Show’n Shine.  The idea is to try and get more people to Blyton and to encourage them to see what a Westfield can do on a track whether it’s a more or less standard road car or a motorcycle engined flyweight that revs to somewhere north of 14k.


We'll set off at 10:00am on Saturday 11 July and head north to sunny Scunny and then on towards the Humber Estuary.  We will be able to see the Humber Bridge and across to Hull.  Just before we get to Barton upon Humber we’ll turn right and travel alongside the River Ancholme back south towards Brigg.  We then get onto the A46 towards Market Raisen and turn right onto the ‘Top Road’ (which indeed it is) and head west back towards Gainsborough.  A right turn will take us up to Blyton and we were back at the circuit at around 12:30. 


Once we are back, I'll judge your pride and joys (Westfields only) for their proximity to perfection.  Some allowance (wriggle room!) will be made for those Westys that are not 100% clean following the run out!!  The prize will be a year's subscription to a magazine of your choice and a write up and photographs in the next issue of Westfield World.  


There's then some time for lunch before the Speed Series guys get out for some serious competition on the track.  All in all a concentrated day of Westfielding!!  I hope you will join us! 

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Oh b*******,  I've put my name down to help on Saturday morning, any chance of Saturday afternoon.   Would love to see the Bridge and sunny Scunny.

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Sunny Scunny dunno but Humber Bridge is a great lump of engineering.  Times will stay as they are but maybe you could do a swap Sooty


Please note you do not have to be on the run out to enter the Show'n Shine!

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A few westies over the Humber Bridge would make a great photo shoot  :love:

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Many apologies - am at Blyton but I'm going home tonight - my back is giving me some severe gip.


Sooty Sport may be having a run out tomorrow to the Humber Bridge (probably) and would be happy to have some people tag along.


The Show 'n Shine will not take place.


Sorry chaps  :down:

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