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Number plate fitment


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What's the best (and legal) way to attach number plates?

I'm having my car trailered back tomorrow so as soon as my v5 comes through, I'm ready to stick the plates on and go



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Let's see where this goes...

Good luck on getting an answer, I'd advise going with the majority verdict LOL

I'm a stick on dude, here is one of my recent threads on this sort of related topic...


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I dont like stick on plates, so run a 3/4 size in the usual location. 


It has been picked up as an MOT advisory, but never failed. 

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Full size front plate, the law is the law and stops any unwanted attention from the police.

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I have a cut down plate with the characters as close to regs as poss, so no silly spacing or font, could be classed as 3/4 I guess but easily readable at distance ... but keep a full size plate pre-drilled behind my seat should I be stopped  :down:.


I was tired of ripping off the standard plate when I first got the car, hit a pile of horse *** and a week later some brash off a hedgerow both ripping off new plates .. was becoming an expensive game plus I risked damaging the nosecone mounts as you can't always swerve around small stuff in the road and if you are like me I get them mid-point in the car rather than hit them with the tyre .. 


The law is the law as Jonk179 said.

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I use a full size legal front plate and treat them as a consumable. Seem to destroy it every one or two years. Last one cracked giving a bunny a headache. The previous one was on a speed hump I didn't spot in time to slow down. What I do is half saw through the plastic number plate bolts just behind the head so that they are weakened. The idea is that the bolts break, instead of damaging the nose cone when the plate strikes something. Seems to work.



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I run a small plate on the front as a full size one doesn't fit properly because of my splitter.




I do however keep a full size plate in the boot with some duct tape should I get any bother.  It also gets taped on for MOT.



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Heres mine, it's a full size plate trimmed down to just bigger than the numbers.

It's fixed with small stainless steel glass showcase hinges, once on the move it swings back out of sight. ;)








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Have to ask,  how do you know it swings out of site , I imagine it actually waves  around in the air flow like a pub sign on a windy day thus attracting the attention of all and sundry !


I think your previous effort was a lot less noticeable TBH  ;)

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