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Sun 5th July Middleton Motors Monthly

Steven (WE51STE)

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There is a monthly car show at Middleton Hall.


Apparently, there has been a good turn out on previous months so thought I'd go along this weekend.


This month we are having a summer party. Along with all of the interesting vehicles that come each month this month we shall also have music from George Huxley and his Jazzmen and refreshing drinks available from the British Bus Bar (yes a bar in a red double decker bus!)

For all those who have an interesting vehicle of any make, age or number of wheels!

This event is getting bigger each month and this month we are introducing a Middleton Motors Monthly 'Vehicle of the Month' chosen by one of our volunteers. Their choice will depend on their own interests as we have given them free reign to chose whichever vehicle they like the most on the day.

There will be breakfast, elevenses and lunchtime baps available from our caterers and of course our raffle which helps raise money for the continued restoration of the Hall.

There is no need to pre-register just turn up and its only £2 to show a vehicle and £4 visitor admission.


More information can be found on their facebook page :-




If you can let me know if you are interested we can meet up before hand and all drive in together.






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There has been some interest on the facebook page so if there is anyone wanting to join us we are meeting up at the Tamworth Services J10 of the M42 at 9:30 and will leave there at 9:40 to head of to Middleton Hall.

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Hello Wing Commander Steven,


Glen and I will meet you at Tamworth Services 9.30am.


See you there



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Good to see you drop in to Curborough.

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After a lot of debate about what to do today we finally decided at 11.30pm last night that we would go to Middleton Hall. We met Steve and Paul and Pat (VX220) at Tamworth Services and went to the car show.


Here we are proudly flying the club flags.




Steve's Duratec engine messes with my head. I have the Zetec and I know where everything is, the duratec is similar, but then it isn't, some things are mirrored so they are on the wrong side. It goes, I found that out later on!  


The number plate is great, not only does it have his name in it STE it has the cars name in it too, clever. Here is the posh interior 





The show set up was similar to our regular Horsepower at the Hall event...only without the incessant Lincolnshire wind. It was good value as you can go round the car show, hall, walled gardens, lake and nature trails for £2. There are shops, jazz band, bar and a cafe too. Come and go as you please with no pre-booking required. It is on every 1st Sunday of the summer months. 


Steve won a crochet kit complete with yarns on the raffle, something to keep him busy now the build is finished, sniggers all round. After the show the sun was still shining so I asked Steve for directions to Curborough as we would go and watch the speed series lot. 'I will take you there' he said, good man. We went past the famous Tamworth Pigs at Packington and I have no idea where else we went, I don't know the area at all. We reached the octagonals at one point but there was no catching that blinking Duratec. I never get to chase because I am always leading so it made a nice change to follow.


We were nicely chatting in the sun when Oneliest Smeg gave us a trusty weather forecast - no rain until later - yep, 2 minutes later, the heavens had opened. We hurriedly put our hood on, but poor Steve got wet. We had decided to go home through the Peak District and Steve sent us off in the right direction. Well the A515 and the M1 are both restricted to 50 mph, only one is driving and the other one is boring.


So I didn't get any pictures of the paddock but I hope you enjoy the pictures of the car show. Thank you to Steve for looking after us so well and to Paul and Pat for making the numbers up a bit. I had better go and get on with our wedding anniversary now.




Glen in Capri heaven





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The walled garden




Paul and Pats departure following a chevette.



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Glad you all had a good time, shame we missed it but grandparent duties took precedent!


We did have a good too time though  :)


See you at Blyton next weekend.

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We kept saying Martyn and Sue would have enjoyed today and what a shame you could not make it, the cakes were good, oh , do I mean the cars were good, I am not sure??


See you at Blyton, hope to be going on Saturday and doing either Lotus at Chatsworth and/or Horsepower at the Hall on Sunday. I reckon at a push we can get all 3 events in. Hopefully others will jump on and off the route to suit themselves.

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The bacon buttes and the cakes are usually good as are the cars of course!

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