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Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

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Afternoon team.

Would anyone like to join us for a drive up the east coast to Whitby for fish and chips and then have a tootle around the North Yorkshire moors on Saturday 27th June.

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think its a bit far in advance - lot of day trips wait on the weather..

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Hi Tex.

I just cannot win. To much notice... Not enough notice...


It hard and very lonely living in the back of beyond.


:down:  :(  :cry:

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Get a puppy?

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I actually have a Sony Aibo dog to keep me company when away from home.

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You just have to keep plugging away at dates, and remain flexible in case of last minute changes.

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Hi Dave.

My only problem is that I am only at home for one day every two weeks so I am not that flexible.

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Hi Team.


Just a reminder to see if anyone fancies a drive out tomorrow and fish and chips.

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Hi Geoff, 


Just to let you know the VULCAN XH558 is due to fly over Scarborough at 13:23, tomorrow. It is en route from Doncaster Airport to Sunderland, Carlisle and Manchester Airport. Look out for it as you eat your fish and chips.


If you get really lonely you are very welcome meet us lot at The Strines in the morning.




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Hi Julie.


Thanks for the information about the Vulcan.


I look at your meetings every week and would love to join you but for me it is such a long way.


I pass Chesterfield on a Friday coming home and also on the Sunday going back and to do it again on the Saturday in the middle............We need to get together and do one MASSIVE ride out one weekend. travel right up north and stay in a hotel before coming back the following day. 


Your runs always look lovely and its such a shame we don't live closer as I would come on them all. Today we did around 150 miles on our own once again as I managed to get a day off work in lieu.

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Well yesterday there was just the two of us.


Buttercup and Robs fabulous looking and sounding Megablade.


The weather was just glorious from start to finish we left home at 9.30 am and did not arrive back till 7.00pm with  lovely sunburnt faces.


We watched the Vulcan bomber that Julie was kind enough to remind us about and then we also watched the spitfire in Whitby.


The previously stone chipped roads that lead into Whitby no longer have the loose chippings and the roads are beautiful to drive once again.








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those photos of the Vulcan are magnificent, (especially if you took them and they're not off the web) it was also scheduled to fly between Manchester airport send RAF Cosford, which would take it roughly over our back garden. watched out for it at 10 past 3 but no sign or sound of it. perhaps it diverted from its planned loop of Northern England???

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:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

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