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Essex Mencap Evening Tuesday 30th June

Pistol Pete

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My parents neighbor is involved in the local Mencap charity and are arranging a car evening for children and young adults they care for. The evrninh basically involved letting them have their picture taken sitting in the car and a few passenger ride around the playground. Last year everyone who joined in had a great evening and went home with a warm glow of giving something back. The kids/young adults thoroughly enjoy the evening and you couldn’t meet a nicer, happier bunch of young adults.
We have been invited back this year, so as long as you don’t mind them touching/getting in your car (with help from you)  you will find the evening a very rewarding experience. So a shout out to all the Essex members, pop your name down if you would like to join in with this.
1/ Pete             Westy
2/ Pete’s Dad    MGB
Event Details
Tuesday 30th June 2014 from 7pm until 9pm
Melbourne Park Primary School, Chelmsford CM1 2DX
A bit about the Charity
Chelmsford Mencap - Understanding Learning Disabilities Profile
CHELMSFORD MENCAP is a registered charity (No.245421) established in 1965 that helps children and adults with learning disabilities who may also have life limiting and terminal illnessess. The disabilities of our members are wide-ranging including autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, sensory impairment, speech and language difficulties.

Our aims are to inform, encourage and support social inclusion to our members and their families, so that they can grow in strength, knowledge and confidence. 

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What year Pete? And sorry mate I had a great time last year but can't make it this time.... I'll be nearly as wet tho.... I'm going diving for a week.


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Is this being advertised wider? I've got a few friends local to Chelmsford who are always up for this sort of thing (Ferrari, Lamborghini, TVR, Atom etc).

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Yes 2015 - dangers of copy and paste.

Not really but we generally have a few member bring some guests along and all are welcome, its a great evening.

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I would Pete, but car in bits...unless they want to sit in a Golf? :d

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I'm back working in Chelmsford so can bring the car down with me provided the weather is ok in the morning. Is it ok to confirm nearer the time Pete?

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No problem Dave.

After a couple of years they appear to be quite taken with the Westies and not as interested in the tin tops.

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Count me in - let's hope it's dryer than last year!!

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Would love to have done this Pete, grew up 300 yards from the school, but I fly out to Crete that afternoon.


Will always be up for something like this, if the opportunity arises again.



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My concern is

a great idea but

whose liable if a child gets hurt?

Plus as our cars are two seaters under child protection laws so im told you should not be alone in the car with them?

Would love to help my our insurance guro has advised against it


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They will be supervised by the carers at all times and we will be driving slowly around the playground.

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Also just to add that there is no pressure to give passenger rides, if you want to just park up and let them sit in your car that fine.

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Cool, we will see you there.

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Is this being advertised wider? I've got a few friends local to Chelmsford who are always up for this sort of thing (Ferrari, Lamborghini, TVR, Atom etc).

The kids would love some exotica, ask them along.

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