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Area Sections on the forum


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No doubt this has been mooted before?

I'm wondering if a section, then sub sections for the individual areas may be useful?

We obviously feel that what the areas are doing is worthy of attention or I guess a fair proportion of the magazine wouldn't be devoted to it. Problem is it's all historical, interesting but of limited practical value.

If each of the areas had a sub heading, they could post what's going on, if other area members could join in etc.

This would partly eliminate me subscribing to half a dozen or so group Facebook pages.

Easy to set up too with the forum software you're currently using. You could make it a members only section

What do admin / committee think?

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There are some big Boardroom changes on the way as part of the next phase of development; also in the works is a content management system to allow AO's to maintain local area pages with current, past and future info.


However, we also go to great lengths to try and avoid fragmenting into individual Areas to much - that's why you see all the multi area events, so it's a balancing act between the two!

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Would be good for the people that don't use facebook too....

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personally i try to run Manchester as a cluster not a town therefore i don't want to be exclusive, as i want the members to get the best from any area

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