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Starting my journey: carb or fuel Injected?


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Good afternoon all,


After thinking for a long while I have decided to join the kit car community, and that a Westfield is the car for me.

A petrol-head at heart but with most of my spannering being done on single-cylinder motorbikes, I'm a novice in this neighbourhood.


There are a few cars out there that fit my target, but I'm looking for guidance on the final choice. So, the lowdown...I'm looking for:

A car between £7-11k, but willing to make more simple-ish mods to reach my goals below
- Reliability for road, but...

- Power and handling for sporadic track days, (trips to Nurburgring are in mind)

- Versatility to take the missus for leisure trips (I.E. needs a windscreen and rain gear)


I'm pretty set on a 2.0L lump for power with ideal delivery, but at the moment I'm torn between carbs and fuel injection. I have minimal experience with both, and understand the concepts, but I suspect that in practice and for my use cases, fuel injection would prove most reliable in between weekend uses, easy to adjust (I.E. remap on any major changes) and more powerful?


I'm not finding many FI 2.0 Zetecs, but have come across this:


...my main concern here being the real wheel offset and mostly the straight cut gearbox. I'm guessing that will be LOUD and probably in there due to having been raced? Is the engine as reliable as I would hope?




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I think this car has been discussed already this week - see this thread http://forum.wscc.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic/114462-anyone-know-this-westie-for-sale-what-do-you-think/


But as for FI vs Carbs, as one coming from many years on bikes with carbs, I went for injection.


Basically, although more expensive, injection is infinitely more 'tuneable' than carbs and once set up will provide smoother, more economical power. Carbs can be tuned to give as much power (give or take a few hp) as injection, but probably won't be as smooth and clean across the rev range.


Take your time, there will be something along soon enough in your price range with a decent spec and fuel injected :)

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Whichever way you go, you can guarantee there'll be a wealth of expertise on both on here.


Now go find a good fuel injected car :d

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Ive had both, tbh carbs were crap, they smelt of petrol, had flat spots, thirsty, not many people can tune them nowadays. So fuel injection is far better, smoother crisper etc

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Ive had both, tbh carbs were crap, they smelt of petrol, had flat spots, thirsty, not many people can tune them nowadays. So fuel injection is far better, smoother crisper etc


Good modern carbs (which pretty much means bike carbs) can eliminate some of the traditional issues.


However, finding tuners that are happy to work on them won't get easier! Injection is the future. To be fair, buying a complete car, you might pay a little more for an injected model, but it shouldn't be a huge premium - that cost is reserved for anyone doing the actual conversion from one to the other!

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Excellent, thanks for all the rapid replies...this is certainly confirming my less-than-expert judgement on the choice.

I did see the other thread on the Red-top that I linked, cheers: I'm real glad I found that too as I must have completely skimmed the straight cut gearbox note. Very offputting to me.


Thanks also to Dave for your insight on carb->FI conversion: it's something I had started to consider but not price up yet: I suppose that's a LOT of work and while in a position where I can just purchase the right platform, I may as well just wait.

...which of course is easier said than done when my garage has a gaping hole and my bank has the tools to fill it, figuratively burning a hole in my pocket! :)


(P.S. Great forum so far, thanks a bunch).

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Sorry, was on my way out to the Post Office before, so forgot to say welcome!


Its a hard time of year to buy in many ways, you're impatient to get out there and buy something, sellers are suddenly hoping cars don't sell quickly, so they can get one more sunny weekend out of them, and as they say, when the top goes down, the price goes up!


I lived with a straight cut box (on the road) for seven years or so. The first five I loved it, didn't bother me, wasn't fussed by the ear plugs etc. The last two years with it, I'll be honest, I grew to loath the constant racket.


I would say, if you plan on any sort of touring with your other half, don't even think about it. Conversation at at any sort of speed beyond twenty or thirty miles an hour (without earplugs) becomes impossible, so suddenly you're looking at intercoms etc everything about using the car starts to become hard work, if you're not careful.


What I would do though, is get along to whatever area meets you can, get to look at as many cars as you can, you're bound to be offered some passenger rides too, the experience will give you a much better idea of what will suit you, and it will help you ECT aluate what's good and bad about any car you go to see.

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Ive had both, tbh carbs were crap, they smelt of petrol, had flat spots, thirsty, not many people can tune them nowadays. So fuel injection is far better, smoother crisper etc


Yep, pretty much concur with that too. As Dave says, properly set up bike carbs are better but won't ever be quite as good as properly set up FI for driveability & economy.

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I would say, if you plan on any sort of touring with your other half, don't even think about it. Conversation at at any sort of speed beyond twenty or thirty miles an hour (without earplugs) becomes impossible, so suddenly you're looking at intercoms etc everything about using the car starts to become hard work, if you're not careful.


What I would do though, is get along to whatever area meets you can, get to look at as many cars as you can, you're bound to be offered some passenger rides too, the experience will give you a much better idea of what will suit you, and it will help you ECT aluate what's good and bad about any car you go to see.


I can have a decnt conversation in mine at any legal speed (windscreen plus small wind deflectors)  While I'm,getting up to the speed in question on full throttle it's a bit more difficult  :laugh:

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When I was looking for a Westfield I saw an immaculate 2.0 Zetec with only 6000 miles for £12k. It was fuel injection with throttle bodies etc so you should be able to get a good one for your budget. I ended up buying a more track focused car.

Touring with the Misses though? I love going for a quick B road blast in mine but never on long journeys. The noise gets on your nerves, hardish ride, cramped, no where to leave your left foot.....

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Got webers on mine, going to bike carbs - but really wish I could have afforded a car with FI as I hate the webers juicy smelly awkward things in 2015!!

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Have a read of Buttercups thread to see how much fun touring in a Westfield can be. Though obviously it's a compromise and requires a certain "approach" from the owner  :d 

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I think its hard to compare as each car is so different. My car is on carbs and has a s/cut box and is used for 7500miles a year. Love it and it did season of srpints last yr_and welcome :-)

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The touring comment is meant more with friends to the 'ring, the missus would likely only be day trips...nowhere near enough boot space for her makeup ;)

A 6k FI Zetec would be ideal! There's currently one over in N ire that has my attention, but so far no reply from my request for more info and pics:


Other than that nothing ticks all the boxes, except a left field, and probably idiotic consideration of a Seight?! I'm assuming the torque at low RPM + lightweight means unpredictable/dangerous rear end?

Oh and don't get me wrong, the thought of a racey straight cut is very tempting if I were making it track focussed, but I do have to think of versatility and useability, hence both it and carbs are a turnoff long term :(

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There's just something about a pair of Weber carbs that makes every true petrol heads heart skip a beat.

I know I'd get better performance and economy from bike carbs or FI, I'd be able to sell the 40s and effectively do a bike carb conversion at a net profit, but I just can't bring myself to get rid of them.

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