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A Lap of the Evo Triangle, Cerrigydrudion, North Wales


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Completely inspired by Nemesis' recent post of him driving set to music,  I've published the video footage of me last Thursday (June 4th 2015) having a blat around the triangle.  I took my original audio sound off, as my camera (Foscam AC1080p) uses a waterproof camera housing which, by definition, doesn't let much water, or sound for that matter, enter the microphone slot.

I am tempted to countersink an appropriate hole to try and overcome this but I'd need to buy a spare housing to experiment with.

So apart from the odd "bark" when my exhaust clears it's throat in VTEC range, you don't really hear much.  A couple of self-indulgent Queen tracks and a bit of Matt Munro were a much better option.


Anyway, it's fairly sedate, nothing too ambitious or illegal here, just wanted to share the road the views and the blue sky with those living further afield.  I feel very fortunate to live in Whitchurch which is a mile or so from the North Wales border and 45 miles away from the triangle itself....


The route is about 20 miles and my video is just short of 25 minutes long. Its the entire triangle (anticlockwise) and there weren't too many cars around except that is for the final "leg" back along the A5.  To be honest I was so busy enjoying myself I forgot I was filming and didn't concentrate too hard on making rapid progress back to Cerrigydrudion.  With hindsight I wish I'd passed the wagon that held me up badly in the last couple of miles but hey-ho.


I'm not expecting people to watch it all the way through as 24 and a half minutes of watching my balding pate is too much for anyone.  I guess if I'd planned things a little better I could have done 3 or 4 more circuits with the camera mounted at different positions and then edited a more interesting variety of shots together.



Perhaps that's another day......





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I'm always up for a lap or two too!

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Hi Andy, good to hear from you. Hi Bud.

The only "issue" I have with joining up for a run out up there is that I tend to go only early(ish) on week-days so as to avoid the bikers and any local plod.  Both seem overly attracted to the spot at weekends....! 


Be nice to meet up though, especially as I missed Gadgetman's run up there a couple of weeks back.

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