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Ears, Nose or Eyebrows...

John K

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Where are you getting your "mad old man" hair..?


I'm seeing the early signs of crazy eyebrows.

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Hair usually migrates from the top of your head downwards as your years advance.    After many visits to my barber he has failed to  recover hair from the low down orifaces and put it back up top, definitely a fail there.

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I unfortunately have the full set, ears both outer and inner, nose both nostrils which when pulled are knotted somewhere behind each eyeball and eyebrows that if left alone will become curtains.

One upside is you can now appreciate a Turkish shave, where they set fire to a small ball of cotton wool and deftly wave it around the extremities and burn the blighters off.

The smell of burning hair soon passes and the sight of flames coming off your ears certainly is entertaining.

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My eyebrows have completely vanished. Ears and nose panicking to protect me from some sort of orifice attack though. Rate of growth of my nose hair is astounding

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all 3.. I used to wax my nose hairs.  was easily the most effective but a bit violent!

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