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Motorway services Vs the Ponderosa


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So, I got to the ponderosa at about 10 to 1..... Walked in got served almost immediately with a lovely smile and friendly greeting, steak & kidney pie, chips, peas, carrots and gravy with a mug of coffee.... All tasty and more than edible.... All for the moderate sum of £6.70.....

I'm never going to try to buy so much as a coffee at the motorway services again..... That is all !


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There are a few reasons why Motorway services are the way they are and the biggest is the lease costs they have to pay. When they first opened, people actually went to them for a night out, unbelievable now but true.

As with all things costs and the amount of people that want to use them has grown out of hand. Both Tebay and the new one is Gloucestershire are fantastic places, on holiday routes so people are prepared to wait for fresh cooked food, but they are expensive but quality. 


What I object to is being asked to pay £12 for a cooked breakfast that consists of limp cheap bacon and congealed egg and fat. For a free P.... and a quick Costa they are fine, other than that keep away.

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motorway services have M&S or waitrose tho....

And I get a 6ppl discount..!

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Well that was an awesome day out..... another 300 Miler...... soak in the tub is in order and then I'll try to edit some video!

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I've been to the Ponderosa, just outside Carson City in Nevada.  Still well preserved too.

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What is this Ponderosa..?

Guessing its some rest stop.

Where abouts?

I've seen a sign with Ponderosa written on it off the A46 at Evesham, surely it cant be that...

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It's a roadside cafe on the Horseshoe pass..... Almost North Wales

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Here you go.


And this his is where it is.

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...and some Westfields making an emergency stop there the other week, as Nem was looking peaky, and in danger of fading away...




:d :d :d:p

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I nearly fainted with hunger.......


But not today..... big eats and a great thrash about.... 2 laps no less.

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I've seen Nem do a scone... wasn't pretty...

When i get my rear brakes done I'll try to get there. Close to Grizlee's place (who was solely responsible for my Westie ownership)

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